Question for Winter, Akari, Raya and Katana: Silph_Fairy_Mage777

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Silph_Fairy_Mage777's Question:

Hey Winter, Yuki, Raya, Katana! I have a question for you! What do you think of each other? And if you meet each other in one of your worlds then how do you meet and react?

Me: Interesting question. Let's start with the first part. Oh and I'll assume Yuki is Akari... Anyway, get in here ya lazy bums!

Winter: Lazy? Do you call the person who just spent the last hour giving Happy a bath lazy?

Me: *sweat drop* Well, no... I guess not.

Winter: *waves hand dismissively* Whatever. So what do you need me for? I have a job with Loke and Levy later.

Akari: *walks inside* Oh, hi there. *smiles at Winter* We met before, right? At that OC Meeting or whatever?

Winter: *grins and nods* I think so. I was mostly talking to that Micah girl though, before Author-chan interrupted. *looks at me pointedly*

Me: Ehe.... sorry about that...

*Raya and Katana walk in, bickering*

Raya: I'm telling you, he could still win! So what if he's only got one arm?

Katana: Didn't my father refuse to accept his challenge? If so, it's a sign my fathe believes he is not up to his previous standard. Red-Haired Shanks would fall to my father's blade. 

Raya: *scowls* Damn Dracules... So damn high and mighty...

Me: Ahem.

Raya & Katana: What?

Me: Question time!

Winter: Oh, so that's it? Alright, what's the question?

Akari: Yeah, it seems interesting, if all of us are here.

Me: Right. Read it. Up there. *points upwards*

Raya: What do we think of each other? *glances at Katana* At the moment, I really dislike you.

Katana: The feeling is very close to being mutual.

Akari: *shrugs* I like Winter. We've both got a passion for snow. *smiles* Katana sorta freaks me out, no offense.

Katana: None taken. I'm quite used to it.

Winter: *sweat drops* That actually just makes me feel worse, even if I wasn't the one who said anything.... Anyway, Akari's cool. Like she said, we've got some stuff in common. Raya's violent. *smirks* I do well with violent people. I handle Natsu just fine, anyhow.

Raya: I'm not that violent!...Am I?

Everyone: You are.

Raya: *eye twitches* Baka.

Winter: And I like Katana. She's how I wish Lucy would act sometimes.

Akari: Really? I'd rather have someone who acts like Raya. She's seems really passionate. I've always thought that was a good quality to have.

Raya: *grins sheepishly* You're too kind.

Katana: Raya's blinded by her feelings at times. She's distracted much too easily. 

Raya: *growls something under her breath*

Katana: As for the two of you... *looks at Winter and Akari* I don't particularly know you well. I'm afraid I can't comment on my thoughts of you.

Winter: 'Sokay.

Akari: Yeah, it's fine.


Raya: *jumps* Shit! I forgot you were here, you baka Author!

Me: *grins* You're the baka for forgetting, baka! Now, onto the next part! How would guys react to meeting each other in one of your worlds?

Winter: Eh, which one?

Akari: Yeah, it would really make a difference, depending on which world it was.

Katana: Indeed. 

Raya: Haven't we all already met, anyway? At the conference-meeting thing?

Me: True... Well, I think the four of you would get along marginally well if you were to somehow stumble into one another's worlds. What about you guys?

Raya: They'd be an interesting addition to the Straw Hats, that's for sure.

Katana: Father would probably find you all interesting.

Winter: I think the Guild would love you guys! Especially Natsu. He'd be really excited to have another fire guy.... girl... person...

Me: *to self* Heehee.... This is awkward....

Akari: Konoha would have its hands full taking care of you all....

Me: My thoughts exactly! *turns to Silph_Fairy_Mage777* Hope that answers your questios! Ask again anytime!

Winter: *waves goodbye* Nice seeing you. 

Akari: *smiles* Really good to meet you!

Raya: I think we met before.... Oh well. Thanks for the question.

Katana: Thank you for including me in this. I feel very honored.

Me: See ya!

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