Question for Winter: Fairy101Tail!

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Fairy101Tail's Question:

Question for Winter: Do you think that Loke would make a good husband? And lets say he ever "did propose", would you say yes in time?

Winter: Once again, I gotta ask, just what is it about me that makes me unappealing unless I'm saddled with Loke?

Me: Bad attitude?

Winter: *opens mouth to argue, then closes it*

Me: Don't feel bad; most of my OC's generally have a bad attitude. Raya, for one, and Candor's not very pleasant, is he? Katana's kinda cold too... Akari's pretty nice, nicer than you anyway--

Winter: I take no offense to that. The chick was cool. *smiles mischievously*

Me: Damn you and your puns! You know I hate them!

Winter: Do I? Heh, must've slipped my mind, Author-chan, terribly sorry!

Me: You... Gah, dammit! Answer the question, will ya?

Winter: No.

Me: Wha...? Whaddya mean, no? You gotta answer the question, I mean it's the whole damn point of the book--

Winter: No, I mean my answer to the question is no. I don't really think Loke'd make a good husband. Personally, I'd be too worried about him sneaking off with some other chick, but hey, if that's the kinda life you want, be my guest.

Me: So... that's a no, then, too, for the second question?

Winter: *cocks brow questioningly* Did I say that?

Me: Well, no, but you made it pretty obvious with what you did say.

Winter: Wasn't my intention (kidding it totally was, I love messing with you), but yeah, if I'd been dating a guy like Loke for a while, and I thought hey, I love this guy, I think I wanna marry him and he proposed? I'd say yes.

Me: But you just said--

Winter: That he'd be a bad husband? Yeah, I know that too. But just because he wouldn't make a good husband doesn't mean he wouldn't be the right husband.

Me: *stunned speechless*

Winter: *chuckles* I went deep, huh?

Me: *continues to stare blankly*

Winter: *frowns* That's seriously off putting, Author-chan. So if you're gonna be like that for a while, I'm just gonna run... *takes off*

Me: *still speechless*

Candor: *walks in, looks at me, smirks and turns to Fairy101Tail* It appears as though my charming author has turned to stone from the shock of whatever Winter said. Shame, I know how unsettling a feeling it is... But that's distinctly beside the point, so I'll worry about it later. For now, I'll say that my author would very much enjoy having you make a request again, and that she thanks you for this... enlightening question. 

Now, come on, you damnable author. *grabs my arm and begins dragging me from the room* This really should not have come as a shock to you, seeing as how you are supposed to know Winter inside and out.... Idiot.

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