Question for Winter: Mathias2001!

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Ok so this is more like a continuation of the last question because I've been asked to answer based on the revised question:

Winter: What I'd really like to know is how you confuse Leo with Loke. Apart from them both beginning with L there isn't really much that's similar about them.

Me: Heheh, yeah, crazy kids, don't know how to spell...

Winter: You're horrible at pretending you don't know something. You know that, right?

Me:...I'm aware, ok? I'm very, very aware.

Winter: *smirks* Author-chan is sensitive, I see.

Me: Less sensitive than Lucy, anyway.

Winter: Touche.

Me: Ok. Our witty banter is getting less than pointless. I suggest we move on to the actual main event, or whatever.

Winter: Good idea.

Me: Is it just me, or is it hard to picture Loke with kids?

Winter: No, I'm having trouble seeing it too...

Me: It's not that he's bad or abusive or even just mean--

Winter: --it's just kinda hard to look past the playboy image?

Me: *nods* Exactly.

Winter : But... I dunno, if he's committed to a person enough that they legitimately have a kid together...

Me: Yeah, different story, I guess...

Winter: He'd be pretty sweet, in any case, but I get the feeling he'd be teaching the kid to pick up chicks from a stupidly early age.

Me: What if it's a girl...?

Winter: *shrugs* He'd probably focus on making her into like the "ideal" woman.

Me: That sounds horrible.

Winter: Well you aren't the one who's hypothetically having a kid with him, are you?

Me: True... I feel sorry for you.

Winter: Loke wouldn't be the worst father in the world... I don't think.

Loke: *randomly pops in* It's nice to know you think so highly of me, Winter. I'm deeply wounded by this, you know.

Winter: ... I really don't regret anything I've said.

Me: *winces* Harsh.

Loke: I agree with Author-chan. How can you be so cruel to your knight?

Winter: Easily. Just did it.




Me: Well! That's all the time we have for today! Thanks again, Mathias2001, for all these awesome questions! Ask again whenever you'd like!

Winter: Can we maybe stay out of my love life next time?

Loke: But where would be the fun in that? *smiles charmingly*

Winter: *glares*

Me: Eheh... see ya!

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