Question for Winter: Book_Worm16!

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Ooh~ Another question for Winter ! She's feeling the love guys, and it is very much appreciated! 

Ok. Down to business.

Book_Worm16's Question:

hey hey. I have a question for winter if that's alright. if you had to choose, who could you honestly see your self with as a boy friend girl friend type relationship. Gray? or Loke? hope this is a good question

Me: A very good question indeed, my friend!

Winter: You're getting creepy again, Author-chan.

Me: I know~ It's great, right?

Winter: *holds out hand* Wanna get a ton of IRON dropped on your head? If you survive it like Natsu like did, I'll let you do all the crap you'd like without complaint.

Me: *sweat drop* Well... let's move on, shall we?

Winter: *smirks* So I've got another question. Bring it on.

Me: *reads question out loud*

Winter: *cocks head to the side* Huh.

Me: Eh?! Huh?! Huh is the best you can come up with?!

Winter: *holds up hands defensively* Hey, calm down. It's just that it's not every day I get a question like this.

Me: Total bull. All your questions involves Loke.

Winter: Ah... That's right. Hey, what the hell is up with that anyway? Is it that I'm no good without Loke or something?

Me: Or something.

Winter: I can see why Raya constantly wants to shish-kebab and/or barbecue you.

Me: I take no offense to that. Now answer the damn question. No one wants to see you mindlessly babbling.

Winter: *shrugs* I'm not worried about myself. It's your psyche this reflects badly on, Author-chan.

Me: *eye twitches* Get. On. With. It.

Winter: *smirks* Sure, why not? *looks over question again, then at Book_Worm16* I love Gray. I'll be blunt: the boy is hot. And the whole taking-off-his-clothes-at-the-worst-possible-times thing doesn't bother me all that much. It's just part of who he is, apparently. For good or for worse. And he's sweet when he wants to be. He doesn't give me the *ahem* cold shoulder whenever it's convenient or even when my teasing pisses him off. Gray is probably the best guy a girl could ask for.

Me: *frowns* So... Gray, then?

Winter: *waves hand flippantly* Didn't let me finish. I said probably, didn't I? *smiles* I mentioned this before, but Gray really isn't my type. Just something about him keeps me from being attracted to him in that way. Maybe it's his slightly insane relationship with Natsu.... I swear, those two are way too touchy-feely for most guys to be comfortable with. And neither of them wear shirts half the time!

Me: *sweat drops* Is this... going somewhere?

Winter: Eh? *smiles sheepishly* Right, right. Almost forgot. I was gonna explain why I think I'd see Loke as more of a boyfriend than Gray, right? *shrugs* Well... He's sweet, just like Gray, and he's adorable. I love making him flustered, but he isn't afraid to do the same to me now that he seems to have gotten over his phobia of being near me. And something about Loke... just makes me want to be with him, to protect him. Like he's scared to death of something but won't admit it to anyone...

Me:....*awed silence*

Winter: *cocks brow* What?

Me: Whoa, I just... Since when are you so damn thoughtful?!

Winter: *grins wickedly* Wouldn't you like to know? Now, I gotta run. Things to do, fights between idiot mages to break up, a sister to annoy. Reminds me... she's written the next few chapters of her novel... Levy wants me to steal it again, and I can only do that when she's out on a mission with Natsu so... Yeah, later. *runs off*

Me: *blinks* Ah... thanks? *looks at Book_Worm16* Hope the answer satisfied you! So, Winter admitted to liking Loke~? Well. Hypothetically, anyway. But who knows? Maybe it'll become reality sooner than you think... Or Gray could do something to toally sweep her off her feet and ruin everything. Eh. Anything's possible, I suppose. Just gotta check out the next chapter (whenever that happens) to find out, eh? Thanks for the question! Ask again whenever!

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