Imagine 98 - for @Ashley_Horan14

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We were at a party. Me and Niall. He's been gone for almost an hour and he said he'd come back as soon as possible.

I was getting bored my friends Lara and Jean were with their boyfriends to and needed to spend time with so I din't bother them any more.

I went and scanned to look for Niall or even an inch of his blonde hair, but none. When u checked the garden which was really huge that's when I saw him. With his ex Mellisa. Mellisa was laughing with him and she whispered something to Niall's ear that made him chuckle and out of now where her lips reached Niall's cheek. What the hell?

My heart dropped and I don't know what to do. I don't want to hold the bike in my throat forever so I let them release and as soon as Niall saw me I was already crying and running out of this stupid god damn house.

"I hate you! Ugh" I screamed continuously until i get tired and ran out of breathe. As soon as reach the outside I looked for a place where I can be alone.

I saw a road where no one is there and street lamps where on and a bench was sitting right there. I ran as fast as I could not wanting for Niall to reach me.

"Ugh what happened? What the hell?" I yelled and covered my face with my hands. My head aches and my heart is breaking.

Who would not get pissed at a person who lets his ex kiss his cheek? When his girlfriend is waiting for almost an hour for him? The hell?

(Hope this part isn't too much exaggerated, :)
"Ashley!" he's here. Damn. I glared at him and started to walk away fast. "Ashly wait!" He said yelping for breath. "What? What do you want from me Niall?" I cried more and looked in his eyes even all I could see is blurred stuff. "This is what I knew would happen! She suddenly kissed my cheek when minutes ago I told her to not make a move on me again! I thought we were friends but she was playing around! I'm sorry don't leave me please." He pleaded and I wiped more tears streaming down my face. "But it still happened! What were you doing out there? I was waiting for you almost an hour? I din't expect to see what i saw, even just a kiss on your cheeks felt like knives were stabbed on my chest. He hurt you Niall! So terribly and you still hug out with her? When I was there?" He took a step back and I din't manage to move any further. My back hits the wall and I have no where to go. "I know, baby. I'm sorry it's just that I don't know. I promise from now on. I wouldn't hang with her promise! I don't even know why she did that. She has a boyfriend. I'm sorry you know your the only one I desperately I'm in love with right?" I looked down and nodded slowly unsure of. My answer because of what happened. "Ash, you have to believe me" I looked back at him and he aimed for a hug. He wiped the tears on my face kissing my forehead "I'm sorry, I hate making you cry. Forgive me. She's crazy. I love you. Only you." I smiled and hugged him back.

"I never ever want to lose you okay? Ever. Your the greatest thing that ever happened to me." He said almost in a whisper. My heart was buit up again within minutes just because Ed my true love.

THIS WAS AMAZING! it's one I my faves ;) you should feel happy Ashley!! Haha! I was in the mood to write this :) hope this was okay! Hope you like or loved as much as I did! :)

Comment and vote on what you think guys! :) tysm for the reads! Whoo! Ill make good imagines soon just please continue reading them :)


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