Imagine 39

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It was time for my Calculous class. Great.

Ms. Higgins enters the classroom we all greeted her a simple 'good morning ms Higgins' with a fake smile plastered in my face. I actually hate her, well not Really hate but dislike because She's the type of teacher that gives seat work without teaching us the lesson and sometimes gives us tons of homework to do every weekend. Ugh. Well it's life.

Niall my boyfriend was sitting at the 2nd to the last row and I was quite in the 2 row in the front. There's 5 rows so basically he's 2 rows away from him. I looked at him and he smiled I returned back a simple smile. I was so tired, that i couldn't smile that realistic but for Niall of course my smile was always true to him. I slept at like 2:45 in the morning because of stupid home works and projects.

Someone taps my left shoulder at the back so I looked back. Jess a classmate of mine has a small paper that says '(y/n) <3' I was confused of who would probably give it because the the hand writing isn't that familiar to me. I looked back at Niall and he winked at me I smiled so I think it was from him. I quickly opened the paper and 'hey beautiful you okay? You seem not to :( I love you never forget that :)' I smiled and looked back to him and whispered even tho he can't hear it he can read my mouth 'I love you more' I smile and wrote down something on the paper I simply reply 'hey ya I'm okay. I'm just tire slept pretty late and I love you more and never forget that also! :)' and I let Jess pass it back to Niall quickly so Ms. Higgins wouldn't se me it.

Copied notes and at the end she gave us another home work gosh. Doesn't she even get tired of checking the students paper? Ugh.

I got up to my chair and as I was about to go to the door someone grabbed my wrist and I looked back. Niall. "You alright right?" He asked "yeah I'm good, reading that note made my day even more" I smiled and kissed his cheek we both blush. Even tho we've been together for a long while now we still get butterflies in our stomachs. We confessed that to our elves before. "Thank you and see you before lunch? Go to my locker Kay?" I sweetly asked. "Your welcome and sure. I love you" I said and kissed my cheek. Before we walk out he gave my the note he passed me few minutes ago. "Read this every time you feel down tired or sad." He smiled and I smiled back "thanks" he walked me to my next class while intertwining our hands together, since we have different schedules already.

How could I have such a beautiful and sweet boyfriend like Niall? I don't know why I deserve him but I know that we love each other and as for that were happy together.


I LOVE THIS IMAGINE. Like omg 😄 Asdfghjklqwer it's so sweet i cant even-

A nice imagine for a Long time I dint update! It would mean a lot if you FOLLOW ME AND VOTE + COMMENT my imagines. I hope you do!! PLS thank you all!!




Any other specific features (like eye color or smtg depends on the topic if I can insert it!) :


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