Imagine 66

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you were walking home from work. street lights were on, hearing the sound of nature, and of course t was really dark. No cabs at this moment C'mon it's like 9 pm already. While walking I decided to plug on y earphones and start selecting music. I wore my jacket, put up my hood and squeezed it really tight since it was really cold at night.

Couple of minutes past, I saw a large shadow behind me and on the road. I don't bother it and I continued walking a bit faster. Seconds past and I hear horning sounds at the back, when I looked back it was a black sports car. When I looked deeper, I whispered to myself "you've gotta be kiddin me" guess who? It was Niall, the most "cool & badass" guys in our batch.

He rolled down the window and said "need a ride?" I replied "uhm no, see I don't even know y-" he cut me off saying "hey little girl just zip your mouth okay? I'm here offering you a ride, it's really dark and your alone that's pretty dangerous" "How can i even trust you?" I raised my two brows "uhm, because everybody know me? And I'm pretty sure you won't get hurt." He said "oh, I dint know you cared about people?" I rolled my eyes. "C'mon (y/n), I'm the one who's giving you an offer. Just tell me if you want or ill just go, and watch you get murdered if ever." He chuckled "alright open up" I said before even thinking about it.

After our long drive we were constantly talking and I never knew this would happen. "Hey I like you" he said I covered my face by putting my hair over my left shoulder. "Uhm okay?" I said in reply. "Can we be friends again? Like what we used to before?" He said out of no where I guess. "I guess? If you won't back stab me again?" We were friends our grade school years and he suddenly became famous and dint notice me at all. Issues ugh. "Great." He said and I noticed were information of my house already. "Thanks for the ride." I smiled and reached for the handle of the car.

But before I even opened the door he grabbed my other hand and I sat back down the chair "hey, friends right?" And he kissed my left cheek. My eyes widened and I smiled again. I don't know, he's really cute I tell you. "Right can I go now?" He was staring at me and I felt really awkward. I put my hands up in the air, to distract him. "Dude?" I said "oh ya yah, bye" he said.

I went out of the car and smiled. I stopped for a moment and thinking that my feelings towards him are going back, since I don't know he was just cute and kind? He called out for my name when I was near my front door step, "see you tomorrow at school meet me near the entrance! Bye beautiful!" He called out.

I blushed and turned around and as I put my keys back to my bag I waited until his car drove out.


Hey!! Glad to be back! SORRY FOR A MONTH OR MORE?! Without updating :(( really really sorry!! Had some busy schedules and yah! Btw I like this imagine! It's really nice and I got inspired bc I haven't write one in a while so yah!

Thanks for the reads!! Comment vote and pls follow me!! :))

Personal imagines? Anyone?
Comment below if you want me to continue is since it's i think very very "cliff hangy" thing? Idk u choose!


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