Imagine 91 - for @crazymofo__xo

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I woke up and checked my phone, no messages. Huh? Niall always messages me good morning texts or anything that would make me happy and going for the day. But I think he's just sleeping or doing something yet.

I turned on the Telly, a d decided to go trough my twitter feed. After scrolling and answering some of my dm's I tweeted

"(@yourtwitterusername) : had so much fun yesterday with @gab and @sheila! Thank you guys, really looking forward to see you very soon again."

I pressed done and within minutes my notifs had reply's and favorites. I scrolled more and saw a recent tweet of Niall.

"@NiallOfficial: 😪" I was worried and curious to know why?

So I decided to all him. On the 3rd rig he answered. "Hey" he started the conversation "Hi, uhm Niall, your tweet. What was that all about? Lets talk about it. I'm here" I said calmly and standing up putting my nails between my teeth. "No, no nothing. It's okay I'm fine. Bye" he ended the call and I got shocked. He shut me out. What? What even? I don't know what was wrong what I know that there's somethig wrong.

Got my wallet and phone and drove to Niall's house.

I knocked on his door. And he opened up. He gave way for me and I entered his house. I raised a brow and he just looked away and walked to the living room. I followed him and said "Niall hey, I'm here" I waved a hand and he don't even bother to look at me, he just nodded doing it for a reply.

I got pissed and rolled my eyes. I walked up to his balcony and took a fresh air. After two and a half hours staying there, the whole time I was just looking around and surfing the net. He dint bother to look for me. The heck.

I went back downstairs and saw Niall sleeping on the couch. I got a ballpen and a piece of paper.

"I'm going home, why aren't you talking to me? <3 Sherena"

As what I said I walked out the door and went home.

2 days and he still hasn't even talked to me since the time I visited his house. He tweets, but ne'er mentioned me.

A tear came out of my eyes. Why is he even not talking to me I don't understand. I cried even more and put my head down on my table. I think I've done something wrong? Or as much as I remember I din't do anything wrong. My tears were continually popping out. Or wait. Maybe because of the day I hung out with Gab and Sheila. No, no, no that's impossible, gab is gay and Sheila is a girl so nothing matters, we were best friend when we were GradeSchool and decided to hang out. No not possible. Somehow. I heard our doorbell rung and I got up and quickly wiped my tears, and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom to splash water on my face.

I looked like a frickin zombie. But who cares?

I opened the door and my eyes widened. It was Niall. I rolled my eyes and he spoke "hey, have you been crying?" He held my face and wiped the tears coming out again. "No, I hate you. Go away" I said pushing him playfully and wiping the tears threatening to spill. "No, I'm so sorry Sherena. I'm sorry" he said hugging me I hugged him back because I really missed him. "Why? Why, haven't you talked to me since?" Still hugging him "because... I thought gab was a guy. I mean a true guy, who'd try a thing with you. I was jealous okay?" I laughed and punched his chest. "He's gay." I laughed even more. "I know. I'm so sorry, I gave you too much silent treatment I'm sorry. I miss you now and I love you. so much. I just don't want to loose you" he held my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Aww your too cheezy, now come in. I have to do something important, for payback you have to help me clean my room" I winked and chuckled and he groaned.


Hope this was okay Sherena!! Comment and vote on what you think :) Read her imagines guys, she'd really appriciate it :)

Thank you for the reads!!


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