Imagine 28

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Today was one of the times that I had you know... The girls always have (.) if you get me...

It was a Saturday afternoon alone in my house mom and dad have work so I'm left with no one besides I can handle my self already duh I'm 17.

I turned on the tv since I can't sleep because of my stupid cramps, I don't know how the freakin thing this happened to me. When I had my period it really wasn't this painful. Today it was extremely painful like I swallowed hundreds of thorn and can't get it out.

I know Niall has rehearsals today so I can't call him. And all I can think of is Ella, my best friend since I was a freshman. I called her and after 3 rings she finally speaks.

E: hey (y/n)!
M: hi! Can you come over pleassseeee?
E: wait!! I cat I am so sorry I'm at the doctor with my mom!! I'm really sorry!!
M: oh no it's okay ya
E: why girl what's the prob?
M: I have this stupid cramps and it freakin hurts so bad.
E: awww I'm so sorry!!
M: ya I'm fine Kay thanks tho bye!
E: Kay bye

I ended the call and groaned. "UGH stupid cramps" while hugging my knees near my chest. After an hour it was gone thankfully. I grabbed the TV remote and turned the channel velvet channel.

By the time this show was ending my cramps are starting to Hirt so terribly AGAIN. I hate this so annoying. It was really really really 10x painful gosh all I could do is scream and scream.

I'm tired I want to lay down to my bed and sleep, I tried but I failed it still hurts and I couldn't sleep cuz of that.

I lay down again grabbed my phone and scrolled to twitter while holding your tummy with your free hand.

Minutes later, you heard the door open and as you see it's Niall "hey why you here? Don't you have practice?" I said trying my best not to sound like a kid that has just screamed a couple of times. "(Y/n) listen you could've just called me ya know? Ella called me and said to check up on you." He said coming up to me sitting in my bed and said "C'mere.." An I followed still holding my tummy and letting my phone sit near my nightstand "Why didn't you just call me?" He asked
"I figured out you'd be busy so I don't mind to call you anyway." You said smiling an looked up to him "hey, remember we promised that if we had problems or anything we'd call up to each other?" He said and I nodded "I grabbed you favorite ice cream and brought the movie HSM 3 your favorite right?" He said and said "I love you so much, you make me happy you dint have to do that" I said smiling and he kissed my forehead and said "id do anything for my princess" he said smirking.

Niall grabbed the movie placed it in the DVD player, got spoons and we ate the ice cream e bought, by now we were cuddling and watching the movie.

My cramps still hurt but it lessened because Niall had always know what would make me feel better.






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