Imagine 76

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the girlfriends namely: me (Niall's girlfriend) Perrie, Eleanor, Sophia and Ashley (which was Harry's date at the moment) and the boyfriends: Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry, were currently having a movie date at Liam's flat.

We played truth or dare it was really fun, we kept on laughing and getting shocked because of the "untold secrets" before. We played bored games but only for minutes because we have up on how boring it was. We played tag. Yes. But in a more fun and creative way. Couples should alway be together whether they are the it or not. Fun right? We ended up sitting down on the floor because we were extremely exhausted and all we wanted was to rest and have our movie night get started.

Liam got up and inserted a DVD in the DVD player I don't know what the movie is because I don't bother too. As long as there was a movie, I'm fine.

I was holding a spoon and so was Niall because we were currently eating a bucket filled with chocolate and the half was cookies and cream. it was our favorite. he was beside me and we sat at the floor because we wanted the space.

I got bored watching the movie as I looked up they all were paying attention to it and some where on their phones probably on twitter.

I scooped a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it to my mouth. I stared blankly at the ceiling. Thinking about my brothers wedding was a week left. I don't know why I'm thinking about it? Maybe I was just really thinking about the idea of missing him and everything we've done before.

We were so close when we were kids. He was my big brother. We always hung out after school, biking or even skateboarding. Sometimes I would teach him how to bake when I was 15. When I meet her fiancée she was so beautiful, I saw how they loved each other. They were a perfect match.

Suddenly when I was thinking those stuff I felt a kiss on my cheek. A real quick one. When I looked at my right Niall was smirking. I smiled putting my head on his shoulder.

"What are ya thinking about? You've been lost 5 minutes ago, I was staring at you and all you did was stare at the ceiling?" He asked stroking my hair gently and I continued to watched the movie. "Ah, I was just thinking about my brother. He's gonna get married in about a week or so" I said looking up at him. "You know I will really miss our time before when we were so close and no one could ever set us apart. I just want it to never stop happening." I smiled knowing the fact that well stay like that forever. "I'm sure Jack, would never forget you. He loves you." He said looking directly at my eye. "I know that" I cheered.

"Has your mind even come across the time when we are like jack and may? You know getting married?" He said blushing. "Yes, a lot of times, more than you could ever imagine. When I was with may picking out her dress she even made me check out some of the dresses. I never told you but I imagined you by my side. We'd look so great" I said kissing his cheek and sitting up back and grabbing my phone. "You did that? Woah." He said in a shocking way.

After minutes of scrolling through twitter my notifs was blowing up. I got shocked and looked at what was happening. "@NiallOfficial: my girl just said that we'd look so good in a bride and groom clothes. I'm excited. Xx" my eyes went wide and I looked at Niall he smiled and put his phone down, I sloped his face in a joking manner and in a not hurting way. "Seriously?" I said and he nodded.

Liam paused the movie and I asked why. "Can we ask you why?" He said and suddenly all of them were looking at me smirking and raisin they're phones up showing me the tweet. "We'd rather listen to what's happening than watch that stupid boring movie. Yes for me it seemed really boring. Go on explain." I faced palmed and blushed so hard.

Heheh cute imagine!! Hope you like it!! :)) tell me what you think?

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