Imagine 96 - for @infinatyniall

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it's Niall's and I's wedding.

I've thought about my speech, that im about to say later. I knew I was ready for this moment. I loves him. And he loves me back. That's all that matters right?

The doors are about to open any second. My brother Jess, was by my side, since dad's in heaven. I hope he was here tho. I know He'd really be happy.

"You ready sis?" Jess looked at me.

"Yes? Wait no? Wait I think so I'm confused right now, I'm shaking. What if something bad happens in there. Ugh oh help me. I'm nervous as hell." I said grabbing a hold of my brothers arms.

He pats my shoulders and hugs me. "Zhanna, you'll be fine. Imagine Niall in front, happy to see you in this beautiful dress. You look beautiful and nothing bad will ever happen or destroy this perfect wedding for you okay? Trust me." He said gesturing my self.

"Thank you Jess, I love you so much" I said and inhaled and exhaled really deep. "I can do this." I told my self.

"Love you more" and he prepared himself.

I linked my arms with him. I was looking at the ground holding flowers in my hand and a necklace that my dad gave me. As I looked up was smiled at me and I gladly returned it. I'm thankful he's here with me.

"It's time Zhanna" he whispered and the doors finally open.

Walking in the aisle, I spotted Niall in front. Wearing a black tux. His hair in a quiff, and his face was wearing a huge smile.

I was about to tear up, but I exhaled and it never came out. I was so happy and so nervous at the same time.

In front Niall grabbed me gently from my brother and my brother whispered something to Niall that made him smile.

He's so perfect. Perfect to me.

"You look so beautiful in that dress, I swear you almost killed me when I saw you walking down the aisle, I was supposed to scream and cry because of that but I don't want to be embarrassed." He chucked and made me laugh too.

I blushed and looked at the back my mom waved at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"You may now saw your wedding vows." The priest said (a/n okay I'm not sure if there is such thing as this part in a proper wedding, haha pls bear with men ty)

"Zhanna, the moment you and into my life you were like the princesses in fairy tales I've read before and thought of me being your Prince Charming one day, it felt really fake because you were just a friend to me and I never really thought of how you felt towards me, I like you like before before and you know that. When i asked you to be mine and you said yes, you have no idea that i was the luckiest man that has ever lived in the entire world. you know what? I was hurricane when I almost lost you. I'm glad after everything we've been through your here with me, in front of every single one of our closest friends and families I'm the one that your gonna marry despite all the other guys there. I never thought this would be so long or what so ever but I just wanted you to know that I love you. Forever and always." He was crying at the end of his speech I am out of words. I almost stopped breathing. He delivered that speech really well, he dint even have any paper with him or anything.

He was my everything.

As I said my speech in front I forgot everything I've been trying to come up awhile ago, what ever is in my mind is what I told them. It seemed so good. The crowd laughed at some of the funny things I said but who cares as long as everyone's happy I'm happy.

At the end I the day we enjoyed everything and it was the best nights if our lives.

Hello zhanna! I'm sorry you waited for a long time, pls forgive me!! :((( I had school and family gatherings very frequently hope you understand!! :)) hope this is okay? Comment and vote on what you think!!

Thanks guys for the reads!! Whoooo!!


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