Imagine 11

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I miss him.

That's all I could think about since Niall and the boys left for there tour. It has been 4 Long months without seeing him. Ugh. Well that's the thing about being a celebrity right? Having so much concerts all around the world, signings, music videos and especially having a lot more interviews.

I wish he could just have a day and well talk through Skype without any distractions or call me for at least an hour or more because that's what I hope for to happen for at least a time between his tours to talk to their loved ones and others.

I was just watching Ellen on the television until I heard my phone ringing at first I dint want to answer it because it could just be my friends or brothers but right when I looked at the screen it says: "Nialler <3" I quickly grabbed it and said "HI NIALL I MISS YOU SO MUCH" nearly shouting, "Hi babe! MISS YOU SO SO MUCH TOO OKAY? just pls do me a favor?" He asked. "Uhmm ya ya sure whats that?" I replied with an confused expression. "Just switch to channel 8 well have an interview in 5 mins from now and I want you to watch it okay?" He said in a hurry. I just wish we could talk longer."Oh ya ya of course sure!" You said. "Okay bye babe! Love you!" "Love you too!" And he hung up.

I plopped to my couch noticing I just had jumped when he called. So I got the remote and switch the television to channel 8 as Niall said..

The interview started and for the past 10 minutes we kept on laughing because harry and Louis kept saying jokes that aren't really funny. Crazy right we were laughing at jokes that really weren't funny (well I hope you get the feeling).

At the end the interviewer asked them each of them if then would want to say anything for their fans and families out there.

Harry went first thanking all the fans for supporting them and he missed his family. Louis then Zayn saying he will soon come back and he misses perrie and his family, then Liam and lastly was of course Niall he said

"Hi! Everyone thank you guys for being with us from the beginning til now! Hi mom! Dad! Greg! And my friends I all miss you so much I want to see you already! And of course to my girlfriend! Hi (y/n) I know your watching of course cuz I told you to do so, I just wanted to say that I really really miss you right now ok sorry I coudnlt Skype call or texts sometimes because I was really extremely busy but I promise that when we get back there I will do anything for you spend time with you and I miss how u cook so well *you were teary eyed now* I love you to the moon and back! I love youu!" He said and the crowd goes "awwww"

at the end of the interview I grabbed my phone and quickly dial Niall's number saying I was crying and I missed him and I love him to the moon and back and I promise when you came back home ill cool your favorites. He replied saying that he love and misses you so much and he'll catch up on you when he has free times from rehearsals and other stuff.


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Niall Horan ⇢ ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum