Chapter 21: Him

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Author's note:
My headache really is giving me a hard time.

Take care and drink more water, people! ♡


Melannie's POV

"We have to meet dad by tomorrow at the company. Have you finished your paper works?" Colt asked as I went to the fridge to get some fresh milk.

"Already done. How about Falco?" I asked as I walked towards the chair and sat.

"We can just ask Mr. Pixis to fetch him tomorrow since he has class. You know he'll throw tantrums if he skips school because he can't see Gabi." He laughed by the mention of it.

We spent the rest of the evening just casually talking about my school stuff but usually just ends with Falco.

"Be sure to wake up early, you know dad he doesn't want to wait." He says as he climbed the long stairs.

I sat a few moments later at the living room and looked at our family pictures.

I have always wondered why I don't have baby pictures hanging on the wall. I tried asking my dad about it but he said when we were younger our old house got caught in a fire and all of my baby pictures were burnt. The ones saved are just Colt's since Falco isn't born yet that time.

Mom told me the same thing too. The house was burnt because of short circuit. We then moved to another and they made sure it will never happened again.

After that they never mentioned anything again. I wonder what I look like when I was younger? Am I chubby? Am I wearing those baby colorful shirts? I really dont know.

In the next day I prepared early just as what my brother told me. I wore a green dress thay fits my body matched with stilettos since we'll be going to Greco, I assumed it's gonna be a formal gathering.

"Wow you look weird." Says Colt as he plopped down to his place on the table.

"Am I supposed to say thank you?" I laughed as I settled myself.

Falco was eating silently at the other side whilr looking intently as us wearing his uniform.

"By the way where is dad? Why are the maids serving us today?" I asked.

"He went first to the company to run some errands and he has a meeting to catch up. We'll have to drop Falco first then go there." He said as he sliced the meat on his plate.

"Annie you look really pretty today." Falco was beaming at me as he grabbed some water.

"Of course. I'm your big sister after all. I hope everyone is like you, unlike the other one over there." I rolled my eyes at Colt as he laughed.

"Okay you're really pretty but I don't like you showing skin." He hissed.

"Calm down Colt. It's just an off shoulder dress really." I sighed.

Should I be glad that I have a very protective brother or be mad because he always act like dad when it comes to what I wear?

Haunted (Armin x Annie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin