Chapter 49: Dead end

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Annie's POV

"ANNIEEEE!!" I heard Pieck's voice at a distance while I ran through the forest.

I tripped. Shit.

I immediately got up and looked for a good place to hide. My breathing was uneven and my head hurts. It was almost dark here. I need to get away.

I found a dead old century tree lying on the ground. I went there and hid as she kept on cursing at a distance.

I needed to hide or she will shot me.

"FUCK HEELS. ANNIEEEEE!!" Her voice echoed throughout the silence and I heard her heels clicked.

I covered my mouth in fear as the blood on my forehead kept on falling all over my face. My head is throbbing in pain.

"Reiner?! Why the fuck did you allowed the girl to escape?! You really fucking didn't tie her??! Get your ass here in the Eastwood and bring Bertholdt!! YOU USELESS BRATS!" Pieck kicked a stone causing it to pass by my direction.

I stared wide eyed. She is close. I needed to be further or they will see me again.

I heard few gunshots so I hid back.

"Dear dear come out now Annie. Your bestfriend would be very mad." She chuckles as she continued firing her gun.

"Where are you hiding bitch? Don't make me come and get you." I heard her move as the leaves rustle on the dusty ground. I heard her footsteps going to my direction.

If I keep staying on this, she will find me.

"Miss Pieck!" I heard Reiner's voice and I know they will talk for a while to split and find me so I took the opportunity to move.

Unfortunately, I stepped on a branch creating a sound. Shit!

"She's over there. Get her!" I heard Pieck's voice as I ran while trying to catch my breath.

I won't stop moving until I can reach for help. But my head, it hurts a lot. My movements are becoming slow and I think I'm about to pass out.

I used the big round bush to hide from them. I think I'll probably die here. My breathing was uneven as I lie on the grass behind it. I can't take it anymore. My visions are becoming blurry as I tried to wake myself.

I heard a faint noise at a distance, the siren of the police. I sighed. At least they are finally here. I heard exchanging of countless gunshots and saw Reiner retreating.

"Annieee! Where are you? Anniee" I heard Armin's voice and I cried in relief.

At least you are in the same place as me.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. I felt weak.

"Annieeeee" I heard familiar voices but I couldn't take it anymore.

"You bitch! You are hiding here all along!" I saw Pieck coming to me with her gun.

I slowly moved up not minding if my visions are blurry and I fell several times. This is it. Even if I'll die here at least I will be able to see Armin for the last time.

I ran as fast as I could as the blood continued to stream down my face.

I saw a familiar blond boy in blurry vision. The love of my life.

I remembered how I met him when I was younger. How he gave me the handkerchief. How he used to seat beside me in school. How he was my first kiss. I cried. I remember my real parents. My family now, my friends, my brothers.

Mom I will now join you.

I said as I felt a bullet hit my back. I stopped running and I slowly fell on the ground.

Haunted (Armin x Annie)Where stories live. Discover now