Chapter 50: Home

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Annie's POV

"I'm finally a father!" Armin shouts in joy like he won a lottery. He didn't stopped talking and I laughed at him.

Everyone was so happy to the news. They said congratulations to us both nonstop.

"I can't believe you will be having a baby now when I still didn't even have a girlfriend." Colt scoffs as he slowly went to me in a wheelchair.

"Same Colt. But congratulations Brother!" Erwin smiled at his brother as he pats his back.

"Thanks Bro!" Armin just can't stop smiling as he talked to Eren and Connie.

I looked towards the door outside and saw a guy leaning on the glass frame. It was Jean. As soon as he saw me looking at him, he immediately walked away.

"Thank you love. I'm so happy." Armin kissed my cheek which made my cheek burn as I looked to where the elders are and got them looking at me while smiling.

"I guess we'll be grannies now." Mr. Arlert says and they all laughed.

"I couldn't imagine losing you and then found out we are having a baby. I will lose the two most important people in life, I will go insane." He whispers to me and I touched his face.

"We're safe. The baby is safe. We can start again Armin." I smiled as I thought of losing my child too.

That would bring me hell if I didn't even got to see or touch my child soon. Tears started to fall from my eyes again and I wiped them slowly with the help of Armin.

I was discharged from the hospital after a week. Mrs. Arlert explained to us what happened to Pieck as soon as we came back home. Our friends were still there. We're already complete. Mikasa was there.

"Bertholdt and Reiner got imprisoned for violating laws and for kidnapping you Annie. As for Pieck, the girl is mentally disturbed. She needed to be confined at a mental hospital." Mrs. Arlert says as she presented papers in front.

Armin was sitting beside me constantly rubbing circles on my back.

"But how about her sister Zofia? And Bertholdt, he helped me escape from there. He was left with no choice but to save his brother, Falco's bestfriend." I said sadly. The kids are the ones suffering to Pieck's selfish desires.

"Is this Zofia the one Falco was playing to at the ball dear?" My mother asks. We all nodded.

"Can we adopt her? The poor girl must have been lost. She didn't know her sister could do that. Poor thing." My mom says.

"I agree with you mom. We should adopt her. It's fine with me." I agreed. There's no way I will let the poor girl live alone knowing there's no one to be there for her but maids. She's still young and so much to learn about.

"I want her to be my playmate and Udo." Falco came to me and pleaded to take Udo too and my real parents agreed.

"Since Annie will be away for work and every now and then, we'll have the two kids live in our home since we don't have kids anymore." My father says as he smiled.

I'm glad they understood it well. These kids could become like their sibling and do horrible things if not guided properly.

"Thank you Mom, Dad. I promise I will visit often." I went to them and hugged them.

"It's okay my daughter. I know Mr. Grice raised you well too and I know he will provide better protection for you as well. It's more than enough to see you okay." My mom smiled sweetly at me and I hugged her.

My real family went to the address of Zofia and convinced her to treat them like her real parents.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Leonhart. I am so sorry for what my sister did." The poor little girl cried as I reached out for her. She look exactly like me when I was younger but without glasses.

"Zofia. You take my place and be a good girl to them okay. You did not do anything wrong." I patted her head and she smiled.

"Thank you Annie." She said and Falco went to her to say goodbye.

The two of them even shook hands and promised to call and text each other.

We also visited Udo's house whom I remembered before. I cried when I found the poor boy sleeping alone in a dark room.

"Udo will you come and live with us?" I offered. Armin was beside me.

"Dis you know where my brother went?" The poor boy sat slowly while he wore his glasses.

The guilt of being unable to explain it clearly to him pains me. I can't help but cry.

"Why are you crying Miss Annie?" He asks innocently.

"I'm so sorry Udo. Your brother is imprisoned because he killed some security guards." I cried as I reached to him and he was crying too.

"Please. Come with me. I will provide your needs. Anything you want." I said as the little boy nodded and Falco hugged him tight.

The two of them were together with my parents as we sent them off towards the other island to where my real home was once situated.

"I thought home is a place." I thought as I watched the ship slowly getting farther away.

"It is." Armin says as he back hugged me.

"No. Home is where your heart is." I smiled as I slowly turned towards him.

The sun was setting. Dad, Colt, and Falco already went ahead to the car so it was the two of us left standing there.

"And my heart is with you, Armin." I smiled at him as I pulled him for a kiss.

Mikasa is back for good. She said she will live on the next island again like before but not in the same house as where she came from. She wanted to build a house from where she truly lived, on the land of Ackermans.

I have noticed the two of them still didn't talk even after she came back. She was cold to Eren. And the guy is trying his best to reach out for her.

"Mikasa aren't you going to talk to Eren? I think he misses you." I said when we the girls hanged out again.

"I don't know. I just don't feel like talking to him at all." That was all she answered and she changed the topic once again. I noticed she wasn't wearing the red scarf anymore.

Jean also made an apology in front of all my parents, he apologized for his behavior and vowed to never do it again. Armin already forgave him but Colt I just don't think that stubborn brother will do the same.

Jean found Pieck interesting as when I visited the mental institute once and I saw him there talking to her. I think he likes her.

Pieck didn't talk to me but she wasn't violent anymore. She still hates me.

I sat at the balcony of our own house Armin bought just weeks ago as I rubbed circles on my stomach. The view from up here is beautiful and it's not as far as where our ancestral mansion is located.

"How's my baby doing?" Armin appeared out of nowhere and caressed my tummy too. It tickles and I laughed.

He pressed his head on my stomach while talking to it. Idiot.

"The baby is sleeping Armin." I laughed as I hit him lightly.

He pulled me closer as we watched the mountains before us. The house was big and he had it renovated within a week. Nothing is impossible with money.

"Armin about earlier, please I want to work too." I pleaded trying my best pouting before him and I know he has inner battles.

"I know but you will get tired. The baby." He says.

"But I want to. Please..." I said once more until he finally said yes!

I don't want to stay in this house with all the maids and not see my father here or my siblings. I want to walk around and work as well.

"Okay but you will work beside me again." He says as he kissed my cheek.

"Of course!" I cheerfully agreed as I leaned to him. I am so happy.

I felt like at ease, everything is at peace and once again, I am home.

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