~52~ Sorrowful suspicions

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*Edited: Proofreading*
Word count: 2150

It was our man's birthday yesterday!

I was really hoping to have this chapter out yesterday- as a small treat for Groffsauce's big day, but my sense of time is way off apparently and I still needed the last half of this chapter, but I still hope you'll all enjoy it.^°^


~~~ Time skip ~~~


One out of my two hours were up - my attempts at 'investigating' having remained about the same in terms of answers.

And the four guards 'watching me' certainly didn't help.

I inhale a small breath, zoning back into a conversation that a small group of high-class women held around me, their poise and almost held back laughter having snapped me from my thoughts, and I chuckle softly in the facade of having been paying attention.

"Well, this was very lovely ladies, but sadly it's time we should take our leave, we've kept her highness long enough." One of the women chimes, adjusting the sheer shall that sat on her shoulders.
"It was wonderful to have this little chat. Good day." The woman smiles, giving me a deep curtsy and I nod, clasping my hands in front of me.

"Thank you, for your time." I say kindly and a few of the women chuckle as they curtsy and turn to leave.

I take notice of the guards familiar, guilt tripping gazes and my nerves make my heartbeat more noticable.

"Pardon me." I call out, catching a few of the womens attentions, and the feeling of the guards - two of which were standing only a few feet away, paying more attention to my actions.

I make eye contact with the shall covered woman.
"May I ask you something?" I question and the woman flashes me a smile as she turns to face me.

"Of course." She says, stepping closer to me.

"You said you have a daughter, correct?" I say just loud enough for those closest to hear and the woman nods.

"Two, yes." She responds and I fiddle with my fingers.

"And you said your oldest would be able to begin courting soon?" I ask and the two guards closest to me go back to conversing with themselves.

"In a few years time, yes." She smiles and I take a small, barely noticeable step forward.

"I need to ask you something, it's important." I say in a whisper-like tone and a look of confusion crosses her features before she smiles a little and nods, taking a small breath.
"Within the past few years, has anything happened to the royal family?" I ask and the woman dryly chuckles, her smile faltering for a moment as she raises a brow.

"Why do you ask?" She responds and I rest my hands by my abdomen.

"Well, it's just that, everyone at the castle seems...a little sensitive to the topic." I say, pinching my thumb. "I know it's not my place to be asking such things but, I figured you all would know at least something about it?" I say and the woman takes a breath, leaning on her right leg.

"You mean..." she pauses, clearing her throat as she dusts off her skirt. "nevermind. It's not my place to start rumors or gossip on my rulers, as much as that sounds like something to get people's attention quickly- all that matters is that his majesty is doing much better now." She says, her tone and demeanor changing slightly, a more, almost nervous look on her face. "If you excuse me, your highness, I have to go."

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