~4~ Pathetic prowess

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*Edited: 1-4-22*
Word count: 2876

~~~ July 29, 1777 ~~~
(No one's pov)


The king's quarters were dim, lit only by the lantern on the edge of the desk, and the two lamp-like candles incased in elegant tubes of glass, hanging on the wall by the door.

The king himself sat at the desk, leaning back in the chair while having drowned out the noises from the deck above as his eyes stared blankly at the pieces of parchment and un-rolled scrolls on the desk's surface - his mind occupied with other thoughts.

He takes a small breath, lightly tapping his finger on the desk as a sharp knock sounds from the door — snapping the male from his thoughts as he straightens.

"Come in." He says clearly and the white, half glass doors open moments later.

A tall man in a redcoat uniform enters the room, bowing to the king before he straightens.
"Your majesty, I thought you would've been at the house?" He asks and the royal male shrugs.

"I'm checking on a few things. Thinking about others." He responds in a more simple way and the other male nods.

"I don't mean to intrude." He says in a more careful tone and the king nods back, raising a brow.

"General. Did something happen?"

"No. All is well, I've yet to receive any updates from the soldiers posted around town." He says, fixing his jacket as the king tilts his head, studying the male's facial features.

"Warner?" He says a little slower, "Is something on your mind?"

"...I only ask this because I've served you for a long time. My loyalty lies with you and your family, and it always will even after I'm laid to rest." The male says, placing his hands behind his back. "And having served as your top general for as long as I have I can say with full confidence that I know my king well, and that includes when something's off per-say. I mean no disrespect your majesty, but these past few days I've noticed you've been...not distracted but, when we're not around General Washington you seem relieved almost, calm yet lost in thought and overwhelmed- however, about something aside from the treaty or the general himself. Is something on your mind?"

The king tilts his head, taking a breath as he looks up at the male in front of him.
"Why do you ask?" He questions simply.

"I wouldn't say worry. I'm just concerned for the well-being of my king."

"'Concerned'? Whatever for Warner?"

The male in question takes a small step forward.
"The bakery. That's when I first noticed." He says and the king raises a brow.
"When Mrs. Ingalls was talking about that young female, how she wanted children of her own; don't think I didn't notice the look hidden in your eyes. That look of pain."

The king holds back a sigh, standing from his seat with an air of calm. "I can assure you Warner, I'm fine." He says, tracing his fingers on the desk as he looks down. "But, you're correct...I suppose you can say I have someone on my mind."

Warner narrows his eyes slightly, thinking for a moment before he tilts his head. "Mrs. Ingalls?"

"No." The king chuckles softly. "Not Barbara. Ms. (L/n)."

The general raises an amused brow.
"The shy little lady from the bakery?" He says, holding back a small chuckle. "Why is she stuck on your mind?"

The king looks up and smiles only just, shaking his head as an amused expression sat on his face.
"I'm not too sure of the exact answer myself...all I can say now is that she's intrigued me."

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