~12~ Sailing away from safety

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*Edited: 2-9-2022*
Word count: 4449

The silky surface I lay on was soft - a quiet whimper barely noticeable in the otherwise silent room.

My hand raises, resting on my forehead; a pained expression painting my face and my chest rises as I take a deep breath, a drowsy feeling still nipping at my mind.
I sit up rather slowly, shaking my head to push away the sleep that dared to wrap me in its warm embrace.

An exhale of breath and I rub the tired state from my eyes - shifting my gaze up to look upon a dimly lit room.

The area itself was very elegant and pristine, everything being in a certain place and seeming as if there wasn't a single speck of dust on any surface.

A dark brown desk sat in the back center of the room - near the large glass window - its top covered in papers, scrolls and other small items.
An armoire, a bookshelf, and a cream colored couch decorated with soft red and white pillows sat against the wall across from the bed, the bookshelf being filled with papers, books and fancy trinkets laying by an hourglass.

It was all covered in the faded moonlight that spilled in from the window - helping to give off a cozy feeling that reminded me of my home's front room.

My brows twitch, etching a concerned expression on my face.

With careful movements I slowly get off the soft surface that had cradled my frame, swinging my legs over the edge before taking a breath and stepping towards the window.

The large surface of glass seemed like something that would've been comforting - giving off the reflected hue of pale light - and my fingers hesitantly touch the cool surface as if I was expecting it to burn me, my hand pulling back before resting my palm on the cold panes.
My gaze was down, wanting to admire the dancing reflections through the somewhat frosted glass, however, my confusion only grew into a subtle fear at the realization that I was watching moonlight bounce across the surface of water that shimmered like a suffocationg sea of black diamonds.

My chest falls and I pull my hand back, resting it by my abdomen before I take a small step back - turning to look back at the room I was now realizing was most likely the captain's quarters on a ship.

My mind was in shambles - uncertain of an answer I couldn't seem to find and a flighty feeling tied knots in my stomach — biting at my nerves.

I didn't know why I was so tired - dizzy, and unfocused.

I didn't know how I got here — a ship of all places, to begin with or how long I had been on the vessel.

But I knew one possible thing -
I was not supposed to be here.

My breathing quickens with many negative thoughts, blocking out the tired feeling and I turn my gaze to the half glass, white wooden doors at the front of the room - a sense of panic seeping into my bones as the repercussions of getting caught enters my foggy mind.
I shake my head, a pained look on my face as I place a hand on my chest - a familiar feeling of breathlessness mixing with my newfound anxiety as I stumble towards the door.

My right hand rests against the cool glassy surface my frame found relief in leaning against, and I inhale as my eyes fall closed and my left drew itself to the metal handle, turning it with care.
I open the door, lightly pushing off from it as stumble forward with caution.

The cold night air caressed my skin as it blew by in its gentle breeze - taking away the chemical-like, drowsy feeling that once continued its endeavor to make me fall unconscious, along with the sounds of boots on wood, the calling of orders, a soft phrase of someone's words I had yet to register, and the smell of the salty sea air weaving through the loose strands of my hair.

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