~9~ Breathless Pt.1

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*Edited: 2-1-2022*
Word count: 3821

~~~ August 4, 1777 ~~~
((Y/n)'s pov)


(This is what you're wearing

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(This is what you're wearing.)

"You know, it's about time you took a day off." Lou speaks up, adjusting the items in the small basket that hung on her arm.

My gaze turns to her profile, one of intrigued thought as she mentally recounted our trip to the town's market - I assumed in an attempt to make sure we had gotten everything our mother had sent us out for.

"I didn't really have much of a choice." I mumble, "Barbara said she wanted me to take a break, and didn't really give me a chance to interject; so, I thought I'd help out at home." I pause for a moment, glancing up at the clouds.
"Don't get me wrong, it's nice not being at work, and I'm more than greatful for the time off. But, what if something happens while I'm gone?"

"I assure you nothing is going to happen." The older female responds, her eyes shifting and she smiles. "And even in the small chance it did, I'm certain it wouldn't be long before Mrs. Ingalls told you." Her arm nudges my elbow - and I playfully roll my eyes - offering her a half smile. "Stop worrying so much."

I laugh lightly, shaking my head.
"I do not worry that much- I'm just...being cautious is all." I respond and she chuckles, humming a tune.

"Very cautious."

"And what in heavens name, are you insinuating?" My words held a sense of sarcasm that drew my siblings eyes towards my face.

"Exactly what you think I'm insinuating." She smiles, her arm nudging mine as she steps closer - her expression one of reassurance.
"You're too cautious-"

"And what's wrong with that?"

She chuckles, waving her free hand as if to silence my questions - and my features held an unamused emotion.

"Nothing." Her word was quick, "To an extent, at least." Lou tilts her head, counting her fingers with her eyes.
"But, you must admit, there are times in life when- when you just need to let go and live. If you spend your days worrying, what good will you accomplish?"

My head shakes, my pace matching that of my older sister.
"Safety." I utter.

Lou smiles.
"Come now, life's too precious to stay safe all the time. You're a wonderful young lady- you, my favorite little sister, need to put yourself out there- face the world with courage and a smile."

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