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bryce 🤡
get the fuck up no ones opening the door

lyd 🖤
i don't live at sway anymore genius

bryce 🤡
yeah i'm at ur house rn

lyd 🖤
why though

bryce 🤡
i just wanna talk

lyd 🖤
u are the most annoying bitch ever

bryce 🤡
just open the door it's not that hard

I sigh as i pull an oversized t shirt on and walk out of my room, i walk down the hallway and almost jump back when a door swings open and nearly hits me.

"Jesus." I sigh as Chase walks out of his room.
"oh hey." he says as he looks up from his phone.

"You almost killed me with your door." I say.
He looks over at his door and shrugs "Well then you should be more careful."

I roll my eyes and start walking past him.
"Wait a minute." He says and i sigh and turn around.

"What?" i ask as i cross my arms over my chest.
"The earliest i've ever seen you out of your room is 12, it's 8:25 why are you even awake?" Chase asks.

"Oh Bryce is here and i have to let him in." I say. "Fuck no i'm going back into hiding." He says as he walks back into his room and shuts the door.

I sigh and continue down the stairs, when i reach the door i unlock it and push it open which reveals Bryce standing in a pair of shorts.

"Why the fuck don't you have a shirt on." I sigh as i shut the door after he walks past me into the house.

"Didn't feel like putting one on." He shrugs and i roll my eyes.

"Ok so what's up?" I ask.

"Everyone at sway misses you and we want you to come back, fuck all this stupid whore house shit, you're a sway girl at heart." Bryce says.

I raise an eyebrow, "Look you know i love you all but i can't live in the same house as Jaden."

"I can kick him out." Bryce says and i raise an eyebrow, "You're not kicking him out."

"Why not he's a dick." He says and i sigh, "Yeah but he's also one of your best friends."

"Look the people here are nice, even though they're not as fun as you guys." I say with a smile.

"Ok well i'm throwing a party tomorrow and you're coming so don't even try to fight it." He says.

"I don't know, Jadens gonna be there and i really don't wanna see him." I say and Bryce sighs.

"Where's Nessas room?" He asks and i point down the hallway, "Down that way take 2 lefts and it's the 3rd door on the left." I say, "Why though?"

"I'm gonna convince nessa to make you go." he says as he starts walking down the hall.

"Yeah i don't think you walking into her room half naked is gonna work." I say.

"That's all part of my plan." He calls as he turns down the hallway.

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