Authors Note: PIRATES 5!!!!!

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The title really says it all!!!

Filming for Pirates 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales has officially begun!

Disney announced the news via Twitter today.

You guys just don't understand how excited I am! I love Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow suits him well.

Plus they had an online game, but sadly they closed it down late last year. I loved it so much....

Maggie Firewalker, lvl 37 Pirate, Master of the Sword, Dagger, and Voodoo staff!

'Nuff said! xD

Expect to see a Pirates Themed update in the near future!

Are you guys looking forward to the new instalment? Let me know in the comment section below!

If you need me, I'll be barricading myself in my room with my laptop, rewatching all four movies for..... I don't know, the rest of the month xD

But for now, I sleep.

Want proof?

LOOK AT THE PICTURE! I snapped it me self! See what I did there?

;) Pirate talk....

Okay, I seriously need to go to sleep now.

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