Facts 3841-3870

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Click the video above to see the live action trailer of "The Jungle Book"! 

And if you haven't seen it yet, Chapter 12 of Disney Wizards: Dark Anomalies has been published! 

Fact #3841
Scarlett Johansson will be voicing Kaa in the new live action version of The Jungle Book.

Fact #3842
Since Johansson is voicing Kaa, it obviously states that the snake will be female in this version of the story.

Fact #3843
Disney Playhouse's The Doodlebops were voted #10 in watchMojo.com's Top 10 Kids Shows Parents Find Annoying.

Fact #3844
Disney's Little Einsteins was voted #6 in watchMojo.com's Top 10 Kids Shows Parents Find Annoying.

Fact #3845
Disney's Imagination Movers was listed in the honorable mentions to watchMojo.com's Top 10 Kids Shows Parents Find Annoying. 

Fact #3846
The dragon in Descendants took over 2,000 hours to animate.

Fact #3847
The term "Dirty Candy" was used as a inspiration for The Isle Of The Lost.

Fact #3848
Back on the Isle Of The Lost, Carlos once cracked a code that would allow him to disable the magic barrier surrounding the island, but it required so much power, he was only able to open the barrier for only a second.

Fact #3849
The game Tourney from Descendants is a crossover between the sports of field hockey and lacrosse.

Fact #3850
Mal actually has a full name just like Maleficent. However, her mother won't even give it to her unless Mal proves herself to being a evil villain. 

Fact #3851 (Employee Story) 
I briefly trained for Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney World. At one point on the ride, you go over a bridge with crocodiles underneath. As I was riding with no one in the truck other than my trainer, she felt free to tell me that if anyone were to stand up and fall into the crocodile pit, I was to drive away immediately so that others wouldn't have to see the carnage or try to rescue the person. The crocodiles are apparently fed from that bridge and anything that drops from there is food to them, and they are surprisingly fast. 

Fact #3852 (Disney Guest Story)
When I was 7, I went to Disney World. The third night we we're there, I rolled out of my bed and cut my forehead on the nightstand. My mom came over to comfort me, not knowing I was bleeding quite profusely. She turned the light on when I wouldn't stop crying, she said it, "looked like a murder had taken place". Paramedics were called and the room was swarming with what I can only assume were Disney employees. After I was evaluated and patched up, I was taken to the gift shop around 2 AM with my mom and an employee. I got to choose 3 toys at no cost to my family. It was pretty incredible to be in the completely abandoned gift shop and being told I could have anything. When we returned back to the room 25 minutes later, all the blood was cleaned up, guard rails were put on my bed, and a large basket of candy and other sweets were left on a table. Disney doesn't play around with customer service.

Fact #3853 (Employee Story) 

I worked on The Great Movie Ride in Hollywood Studios for a while and I can tell you all 22 minutes of your friendly tour guide's speech is scripted to the very last letter. You get three days to learn your whole monologue (AND all of the speeds/controls/stops/gos of the actual ride) before going "live" as a tour guide. Most of those three days is spent in a room with your trainer reciting your script until you get every word right. If you accidentally say the word "okay" instead of "alright" you start over from the beginning. Most tedious 3 days of my life. There's also one button on ever car that, despite being really close to buttons you have to touch all the time, if pushed gets you fired immediately.

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