Facts 4201-4230: Star Wars The Force Awakens

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The force is strong in my family. My father has it, I have it, my sister has it... you have that power too.



Fact #4201
While filming in summer 2014, Harrison Ford broke his ankle on the door of the Millennium Falcon. About a year later, J.J. Abrams revealed that he broke his back while trying to help get Ford out from under the door.

Fact #4202
John Boyega was so nervous and frightened at the prospect of not getting the role that he didn't tell his parents that he had been cast until after a cast photo was posted online by the official Star Wars twitter page. 

Fact #4203
Mark Hamill rerecorded his monologue from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi ("the Force is strong in my family") to be used in the teaser trailer, but it was decided to mix his newly recorded lines with those originally recorded, as a reverberation, so as to subtly tease his reprisal of his role.

Fact #4204
After he was cast, Oscar Isaac revealed to director J.J. Abrams that his uncle is a huge Star Wars fan. As a result, arrangements for Isaac's uncle to visit the film set were made. To the great surprise of both Isaac and his uncle, Abrams then asked if he would be interested in appearing in the film as an extra. Isaac's uncle quickly agreed. 

Fact #4205
Kevin Smith and Benedict Cumberbatch visited the set. Smith, infamous for his open and talkative nature, was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and J.J. Abrams had World War 2 style propaganda posters titled "Loose Lips Sink Starships" hung up around the set as a reminder to Smith not to reveal spoilers for the film to the public. True to his word, the only tidbit Smith revealed about his visit was that he cried when he stood on the Millennium Falcon set, as it reminded him of how much he loved Star Wars as a child. 

Fact #4206
J.J. Abrams always wanted General Hux to be played by a young actor. He wanted the character to have a sense of tragedy and the fact that he appears to be too young to be in charge of a murderous group added to that. According to Abrams, the character's name was created after he noticed an old, abandoned grave site with the name Hux engraved on the stone.

Fact #4207
The symbols on the flags hanging outside Maz Kanata's castle include Boba Fett's Mythosaur skull, Ziro the Hutt's Black Sun tattoo and Hondo Ohnaka's pirate symbol. There is also the symbol of the 501st Legion on one of the flags. The 501st is an international fan-based organization dedicated to the construction and wearing of screen-accurate replicas of Imperial Stormtrooper armor, Sith Lords, Clone Troopers, bounty hunters, and other villains from the Star Wars universe. The 501st Legion also refers to an in-canon Clone War regiment that gained the name "Vader's Fist", as they were utilized by Darth Vader when he turned on the Jedi Order, during the first years of the Empire.

Fact #4208
Because of the secretive nature surrounding the film, several cast members found out that they had gotten parts in the film with very short notice. Domhnall Gleeson found out the day after he auditioned which was only one day before the table read. Oscar Isaac found out only several hours before the table read and was instructed to wait in a London hotel room to receive a call telling him whether he was to go downstairs and into a waiting car that would take him to the table read or book a flight back to the United States. 

Fact #4209
The first Star Wars film to not have Kenny Baker cast as R2-D2. He is however credited as R2-D2 Consultant. 

Fact #4210
Rey continues the tradition of disparaging the Millennium Falcon when she calls it "garbage." In the original trilogy, Luke calls the Millennium Falcon a "piece of junk" and Leia refers to it as a "bucket of bolts."

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