Facts 2311-2340

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Happy New Year everyone!

2015 is finally here! Anyone looking forward to anything exciting this year? I sure am! Transformers: Robots In Disguise is premiering in February, MLP: FIM Season 5 is coming this spring, Avengers: Age of Ultron is coming out, a new Frozen short, a few new Disney films, and who could forget Star Wars Episode 7 at the end of the year?

This whole year is full of surprises! 

So let's start this year with a bang, yes? And why not a few Marvel headcannons too?

On to the facts!

What are you most looking forward to this year? Let me know in the comment section below!

Fact #2311 

If you think about it long and hard, Ariel and her sisters are named after the seven seas. Take Ariel for example; She has red hair, so it's obvious to assume she was named after the Red Sea. 

Fact #2312 

If you write a letter to your favourite Disney character, they will send you an autographed picture. Here's the address of anyone wants to try it: ATTN: "Character's name" Walt Disney Communications PO Box 10040 Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040.

Fact #2313 

Phil Coulson's funeral had the highest attendance on SHIELD record, beating Howard Stark and Doctor Erskine put together. It even beat Fury's, something Phil is constantly smug about.

Fact #2314 

Sky from Agents of SHIELD has basically been adopted by May and Coulson. They both see her as an honorary daughter and get extremely overprotective of her. She finds this funny, until she tries to date.

Fact #2315 

When Hawkeye and Black Widow are on a mission together and something goes wrong, and the police is about to arrest them, Black Widow reminds Hawkeye to fall back on their Plan B: "So remember, you're deaf and I don't speak English.", he takes out his hearing aids and is 80% deaf, and she simply starts speaking Russian.

Fact #2316 

Tony made a functional lightsaber once. It was confiscated by Fury who has since been proven to be really adept in its use. He answers only to Master Fury now.

Fact #2317 

Pepper and JARVIS had to stage an intervention after Tony saw Pacific Rim.

Fact #2318 

The Avengers refer to Steve and Bucky as Starbucks.

Fact #2319 

Darcy has tased each Avenger at least once. Tony is in the double digits now.

Fact #2320 

Natasha learned how to sign in Russian so she can still yell at Clint in her mother tongue when he takes out his hearing aids.

Fact #2321 

Natasha and Clint take a road trip, she drives and he shoots at all of the Target signs they pass. He yells when he hits the bulls-eye, which is every time. Natasha is not amused.

Fact #2322 

Mickey Rooney voiced Tod from Fox and The Hound.

Fact #2323 

Matthew Brotherick, famously known as Pharis Buler from the hit movie, voices older Simba in The Lion King.

Fact #2324 

Leonard Nimoy, famously known as the original Spock from Star Trek, voices Kida's father, Rey Kashekim Nedakh in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. 

Fact #2325 

Michael J. Fox was also the voice of Milo.

Fact #2326 

Whoopi Goldberg was the voice of Shenzi from The Lion King and the voice of Pulpi in Toy Story 3.

Fact #2327  

Samuel L. Jackson was the voice of Frozone.

Fact #2328 

Jason Lee, from the show My Name is Earl, was the voice of Randel in Monsters Inc.

Fact #2329 

Monsters University was Pixar's very first sequel.

Fact #2330 

In The Lion King where Zazu is trapped in a cage and Scar wants him to sing a song, Zazu starts singing "It's A Small World" and Scar immediatly stops him. Disney acknowledge and made fun of the fact that the song can be the most annoying song in the world. 

Fact #2331 

Mulan was the only Disney animated film to use the phrase "Cross Dresser". It was almost rated PG because of that line.

Fact #2332 

Chi Fu's name in Chinese means "to bully."

Fact #2333 

Tony and Steve have gone to a comic convention dressed as Batman and Superman at least once. They almost died laughing when they ran into Peter Parker dressed up in his Spiderman costume about to enter a cosplay contest.

Fact #2334 

Steve and Buckey were huge Disney nerds back in the day. When they heard about all of the Disney movies that were released while they were both trapped in stasis, they held a Disney marathon that lasted for days and would never stop singing the songs they found most enjoyable.

Fact #2335 

After becoming an official member of the Avengers, Tony is swamped with Stark Industry stuff, Avengers stuff, and upgrading his armor. Pepper is the CEO of Stark Industries, so she is no longer around to make sure he gets places and eats. So, he needs a new personal assistant. This time around, however, he wants a special assistant. One that can not only keep his schedule in line, but also keep up with him in the lab and help him with experiments. After trying and failing to convince Bruce to become his new PA, he manages to find someone equally as skilled. Peter Parker.

Fact #2336 

In the 6th grade, Tony was asked to build a small robot for the school Science Fair. He finished it in four hours and named it Optimus Prime.

Fact #2337 

Because of the longer aging process for Asgardians, Thor and Loki are the equivalent of human college age.

Fact #2338 

Treasure Planet took 10 years to make.

Fact #2339 

The king and queen of Arendale decided to have Anna after discovering Elsa's powers. They thought that everyone else would fear her and that Elsa wouldn't be able to make friends and that the Kingdom would ever accept her.

Fact #2340 

Lightning McQueen is definitely a blonde.


I hope you all enjoyed these facts as much as I did!

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