Facts 4321-4350

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Check out this sick remix at the top of the screen! :D If the video gets to 3 million views, sWooZie and Mike Relm will make a full 3 minute version!

Also, quick question, did you guys want me to delete the authors notes from this book to make a bit more room for more facts? Or did you guys just want me to finish off this book with the full 200 parts and then move on to volume 2? Let me know!

This page contains new Disney Guest and Cast Member stories, some recent Park News, and a list of Life Hacks and Tips for your future Disney World vacation!

And Happy February! 

Fact #4321 (Disney Guest Story)
I saw a man with cutoff shorts so short that his scrotum was hanging out. It was funny until my sister who was, like, six years old at the time saw it too.

Fact #4322 (Disney Guest Story)
I was with my in-laws and we were walking near the pier at California Adventure when we saw this middle-aged woman pushing a stroller. She looked disheveled and confused, and when we looked in her stroller, we saw about four or five stuffed cats dressed like baby dolls. She walked by us as she was whispering little compliments to her stuffed cats. 

Fact #4323 (Disney Guest Story)
Well, during one Grad Night, two teens were in the Haunted Mansion. They thought because it was dark inside, no one would see the girl giving the boy a blowjob. Little did they know, some of Master Gracey's servants were hiding in the walls of the mansion. The teens were caught in the act by one of them, who shouted out from the darkness, 'You're doing it wrong!' Girl ended up biting his junk. Medic, security, managers, everyone you can imagine who needed to be involved was there. 

Fact #4324 (Disney Guest Story)
While sitting with my friend in front of Small World, I noticed something was crawling slowly past me. It was an actual live lobster crawling along the pathway. As I shouted to my friend to look at it, one of the Cast Members walked nonchalantly up and grabbed the lobster saying, 'Now how did you get out?' He then proceeded to throw the lobster into the waters directly behind us. Long story short, Disneyland breeds their own lobsters. 

Fact #4325 (Disney Employee/Cast Member Story)
One warm day when I was working in Fantasyland, this dad was appalled at how expensive the little fan/spray bottle things were. He refused to buy one for his kids, claiming he had a better idea. A little while later when I was leaving, I saw him take a big gulp of water and then spit/spray it out onto his two little girls. 

Fact #4326 (Disney Guest Story) 
We were on the Ferris Wheel at California Adventure and my whole family saw a duck eating another duck. Cannibalism at the 'Happiest Place on Earth.'

Fact #4327 (Disney Employee Story)
I once saw parents tie their leashed child to a pole so they could ride Splash Mountain. They were greeted with security when they came back to retrieve the poor kid.

Fact #4328 (Disney Guest Story)
I went to Disney with my brother and sister-in-law and their two kids. We spent hours waiting in line to meet Queen Elsa at my niece's demand. My nephew wasn't feeling it. When we were just two people away from getting to the front of the line he started bawling. Elsa bent over and asked him what was wrong. He stopped crying for a second and said, 'You have nice boobies' while putting a hand on her chest. We were all mortified but couldn't help but laugh our butts off.

Fact #4329 (Disney Guest Story)
A woman was about to enter the Space Mountain ride with her son, who wasn't tall enough and didn't want to go on the ride. She then took a pair of high heels out of her backpack and forced her son to wear them. The ride attendant gave her the sassiest 'you're an idiot' look and told her to exit the line. I will always feel bad for that boy and what else his mother made him do that day. 

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