Facts 601-630: Million Dollar Arm Themed Page

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We have reached 600 facts people! :D Thank you again so much for your support! You know... It's almost like every other page I'm thanking you guys for the support you're giving for this book. Oh yeah! Now I remember, your love is what keeps the facts coming! I figured to celebrate the big number, and to celebrate the release of a new Disney film that hits theatres this Friday (May 16th) this fact page will feature facts and secrets from their new film "Million Dollar Arm". I hope you all enjoy!

These facts will about the making of the film, the actors, and facts about the real story!

Fact #601

The film is based off a true story.

Fact #602

The films stars Jon Hamm from Mad Men, Suraj Sharma from Life of Pi, Madhur Mittal from Slumdog Millionaire, Alan Arkin from Argo, Bill Paxton from Titanic, and Asif Mandvi from Spiderman 2.

Fact #603

Both of the young Indian males signed a deal with the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Fact #604

They were the first-ever Major League Baseball (MLB) players of Indian origin.

Fact #605

The film is directed by Australian filmmaker Craig Gillespie.

Fact #606

Dinesh and Rinku can throw the ball consistently at 80 mph or more.

Fact #607

While the agent made the game show to attract cricket players to audition, the two boys who won weren't cricket players at all.

Fact #608

The film takes place back in 2007.

Fact #609

35,000 people attended the Million Dollar Arm Game Show in India.

Fact #610

In the shows second season, over 100,000 kids auditioned.

Fact #611

Rinku and Dinesh's only dream was to get a job in the security forces army or Black Cat Commandos to help support their families.

Fact #612

On November 2011, Rinku was the first Indian Baseball Player to be selected to play for Austrailian Baseball. 

Fact #613

On May 2011, Rinku and Dinesh met President Barrak Obama.

Fact #614

On November 2009, the boys return home to India for the first time.

Fact #615

Rinku & Dinesh were featured in Sports Illustrated and GQ Magazine.

Fact #616

On May 2008, Rinku & Dinesh receive their US Visa from US Ambassador Mumford in Delhi.

Fact #617

 Mark Ciardi, the movie’s producer, also worked on The Rookie, Miracle, Invincible and Secretariat.

Fact #618

Neither player advanced beyond the Class A level.

Fact #619

Singh remains in the Pirates’ organization, though like too many other pitchers these days, he recently underwent Tommy John ligament transfer surgery and will not resume throwing until August.

Fact #620

Jon Hamm was a catcher and an outfielder on his high school team.

Fact #621

At age 43 he remains an active catcher in a men’s Sunday morning hardball league.

Fact #622

During the production, There is a woman roaming around spritzing faces with sunblock every 90 minutes.

Fact #623

At the premeire, the red carpet was actually a green carpet. It was made to reimagine a baseball field.

Fact #624

The two boys learned to play baseball in just 8 months.


Yeah that's all the Million Dollar Arm Facts I could find. Sorry about that :P Back to Disney facts!


Fact #625

The Mandarin pronunciation of Mulan's last name is "Hua" which means flower.

Fact #626 (Stitches experiment number!)

Wall-E takes place in the year 2805.

Fact #627

Rapunzel is continuously barefoot.

Fact #628

There are no mentions of Universal Films in The Great Movie Ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Fact #629

Disney channel used to cancel their shows after 65 episodes to prevent staleness.

Fact #630

The actor who plays Shane Botwin from "Weeds" is the voice for Nemo. Strangely enough, Nemo's mother was voiced by the actress who played Celia on "Weeds" and his father, Marlin, by Shane's grandfather on the show.


I hope you all enjoyed these facts as much as I do! Again, I'm sorry I couldn't find exactly 30 facts on Million Dollar Arm, but I felt that since it came out today Ithought I'd celebrate. I still hope you all enjoyed these facts!

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