Authors Note: Disney Novel

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A long time ago, like maybe a couple months ago or a year, I don't know I lost track :/
I had a Disney novel on my profile called Disney Wizards: Dark Anomalies
For those of you who were following me at the time, you should remember it was fairly good and kind of growing in the reads.
For those of you who don't know;

Disney Wizards was about a girl named Avalyn who goes back to Disney World with her family for a family reunion. However upon arriving, she starts seeing strange things and that catches the attention of Jamie and Sebastian (not the crab), who work for Mickey as Disney Wizards. Their job is to stop the Dark Anomalies from making things either disappearing or starting chaos. If they don't do anything to stop them, all of Disney World could vanish without a trace and the Dark Anomalies could spread to the Disneyland kingdoms all over the world, and then Disney's magic would be gone forever.

The reason why I ended up deleting it in the first place was because I was losing inspiration, and I was so caught up with my other stories. But now, I have the chance to start a new!
If you like this idea, let me know in the comment section below! And also tell me if you want this story to come back!

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