Facts 2221-2250: The Haunted Mansion Themed Page

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Welcome to the Hauned Mansion Themed Page! I am your host for tonight... your ghost host! ;) Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! 


Madalyn is otherwise... preoccupied at the moment, so I will taking over for now. But don't frete, she won't be in there for very long. 

*screams* What is this?! Slime?!

This fact page will contain facts from the halloween themed movie and facts about the attraction that she has not covered thus far.

So sit back, relax, and let's begin the show! 

Guys! Help me out here!... Hello?!

Fact #3221 

After the release of the film, the chairs in the dining room were later added to both the Disneyland Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean attractions. In the Haunted Mansion, the chair appears in a portrait of the updated attic, belonging to one of the bride's murdered husbands.

Fact #3222 

When the two new homeowners start singing: "Happy Anniversary!" and Jim reacts very annoyed, it's a tongue-in-cheek joke about a commercial that aired on the radio for the Disneyland theme park anniversary, sung the exact same way by a child. The commercial was reacted to badly by listeners because it was so obnoxious and eventually pulled.

Fact #3223 

Following the massive success of Ghostbusters in 1984, Disney green-lit the film in the mid 80s. However they at first would only give permission for the film to be made if either Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis or Rick Moranis would play the lead role.

Fact #3224 

Previously, Eddie Murphy had developed a stand-up routine that lampooned the unrealistic premise of horror movies and specifically haunted houses in Eddie Murphy Delirious in 1983 suggesting that black people would never be featured in such a movie as they would immediately leave upon sighting anything supernatural.

Fact #3225 

The red couch in Gracey's study was used in 20000 Leagues Under the Sea in 1954.

Fact #3226 

The "Welcome foolish mortals" voice-over during the opening titles was provided by an uncredited Corey Burton, who also voiced the Ghost Host for Haunted Mansion Holiday, a seasonal overlay of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion attraction themed to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Fact #3227 

Much of the movie's plot is inspired by Phantom Manor, the version of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Resort Paris. Unlike the Haunted Mansions in the other parks, Phantom Manor has a clear storyline of a bride, her lost lover, and her haunting the mansion.

Fact #3228 

When Jim and Sara are at the gate to the mansion, Sara picks up the lock on the gate which is shaped like a Mickey head.

Fact #3229 

When Ramsley pours the powdered poison in Sarah's drink, a Mickey forms when the powder and drink mix.

Fact #3230 

The couch in the library is vaguely shaped as Mickey's head.

Fact #3231 

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