Facts 1891-1920: Meet The Robinsons Themed Page

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Who here wishes they could travel into the future?

Who wants to float around in bubbles?

Who wants to ride a space ship or a hover car?

Who here can't get Kids of The Future out of their heads? I sure can't! 

That's right everyone, it's time for Meet The Robinsons! 

But before I begin, I just want to say something real quick in regarding to the little note I left for you all in the last update. If I seemed a bit too harsh in that letter, I apologize if I hurt anyones feelings. I was just so upset about a few comments I received and I felt like I shouldn't keep it bottled up inside of me, it's never good to keep it inside you. If you don't let it out, you'll 'explode' in a way. I just felt like I had to get it out of my system. 

So once again, I apologize if I hurt any of my followers, but the message still stands. If you see anything wrong, just tell me. 


And I will get the job done :)


Fact #1891 

When Lewis is tearing out the pages of his notebook, his bag is open. When he discovers that Wilbur is not a cop from the future - from the tanning salon coupon - he goes to grab his bag. This time his bag is closed and in the opposite position.

Fact #1892 

Right at the beginning of the movie, when Lewis's real mum picks him up from the box and hugs him, it's no more than three seconds before she hears Lewis from the future slipping on the step. She gets scared and puts baby Lewis back in the box. When Wilbur takes Lewis to meet his mum, near the end of the movie, the time his mum holds the baby is more than twenty five seconds.

Fact #1893 

Not only did Steve Anderson direct Meet the Robinsons, he’s also the voice talent behind the villainous Bowler Hat Guy.

Fact #1894 

If you tried to use just one computer to render the entirety of Meet the Robinsons, it would take over 7,000,000 hours, which in sort is actually 800 years!

Fact #1895 

The movie was based loosely on William Joyce's picture book A Day with Wilbur Robinson.

Fact #1896 

The book is essentially the middle part of the movie with the searching for grandpa's teeth and the dinner. Time travel had no part in the book! A few things actually got cut from the book like several family members, a pillow fight and slumber party. The book itself was expanded shortly before the movie came out with stuff like the dinosaur and some totally new material that didn't even get to the movie like an indoor Snowball Fight.

Fact #1897 

Adam West voiced Uncle Art.

Fact #1898 

Laurie Metcalf who voices Lucille Krunklehorn, also did work in Treasure Planet, and all three Toy Story films as Andy’s Mom.

Fact #1899 

When Wilbur is revealing his family, he says his dad (who is not pictured) looks like Tom Selleck. Tom Selleck indeed provides the voice for Wilbur's Dad.

Fact #1900 

A picture of Walt Disney is seen in the orphanage.

Fact #1901 

The part of Lewis had to be recast when the original actor's voice broke.

Fact #1902 

This is the first film to show the new Walt Disney Animation Studios animated logo, which incorporates several seconds from Steamboat Willie (1928), the first Mickey Mouse cartoon to feature sound.

Fact #1903 

The science fair that Wilbur attends is held at Joyce Williams Elementary school. This is a nod to the author of the original story.

Fact #1904 

After reading the screenplay, director Stephen J. Anderson actively lobbied to direct this movie. As a child of adoption himself, Anderson personally experienced many of the emotions that Lewis expresses in the film. 

Fact #1905 

After a test screening for John Lasseter, 10 months later, 60% of the original works of the film were changed before its release.

Fact #1906 

After the agreement with Pixar expired, Disney formed the new Walt Disney Animation Studios, of which this is the first film.

Fact #1907 

The "Todayland" park is a tribute to the original "Tomorrowland", the futuristic section of the Disney theme parks. Immediately visible are Space Mountain and the original Rocket Jets, which are no longer in service.

Fact #1908 

The film actually began as a live action film before it was changed into CGI animation.

Fact #1909 

The film took 4 years to make.

Fact #1910 

The film played theatrically on over 600 REAL D digital 3D screens.

Fact #1911 

The Brain Scanner on the "Brain Scanners from Mars" poster on the building next to the orphanage looks almost exactly like Doris the Hat.

Fact #1912 

Lewis has an Albert Einstein clock in his room at the orphanage.

Fact #1913 

As the futuristic Insta-Building rises, the round platforms create a pair of Hidden Mickeys.

Fact #1914 

The Burbank Air Field poster in the Robinson's garage is a nod to the Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Animation Building, which are both located in Burbank, California.

Fact #1915 

While Goob falls asleep on defense, a Jungle Book banner featuring Baloo and Mowgli, hangs from the outfield fence.

Fact #1916 

Gaston's stopwatch, which he hands to Lewis, is shaped like a Classic three-circled Mickey.

Fact #1917

Characters from the film, were used in an anti-cell-phone commercial to encourage movie audiences to turn their cell phones off and behave appropriately.

Fact #1918 

Jim Carrey had a choice of voicing the Bowler Hat Guy or play Walter Sparrow in the film The Number 23, he chose the latter.

Fact #1919 

Doris’ name is taken from DOR-15, which is the number of the chamber that she is placed into in the rejected inventions room at Robinson Industries.

Fact #1920 

Doris’ first test subject is modeled after Stan Laurel of the Laurel and Hardy comedy duo, whose distinctive attire included bowler hats.


I hope you all enjoyed these facts as much as I did!

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