Facts 3031-3060

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This facts page features some new Marvel headcannons, a few Guardians of The Galaxy facts, and lots of stuff! Hope you all enjoy! The next update will be answers to my Q&A! Remember, you NEED to submit your questions on the Q&A AUTHORS NOTE or else your question WON'T get answered.

So this is your last call to submit any questions you have! They don't have to be Disney related :)

Oh, and happy Earth Day!

And thanks for 330K reads!


Fact #3031 (Marvel Headcannon)

Unofficial SHIELD Specialist rule #1, anything you can do, the Black Widow can do better.

Fact #3032 (Marvel Headcannon)

The Avengers all have mixed feelings on fanfiction. Steve avoids it all in general, Clint finds it hilarious and has read a few to Natasha, and Tony casually runs a blog dedicated to it.

Fact #3033 (Marvel Headcannon)

While the Avengers don't always stay at the tower, they all agreed to get together there for Thanksgiving.

Fact #3034 (Marvel Headcannon)

Coulson has a Captain America onsie and is proud of it.

Fact #3035 (Marvel Headcannon)

Natasha got Steve a Captain America Build-A-Bear for his birthday.

Fact #3036 (Marvel Headcannon)

After the New York Innasion, venders started selling merchandise with symbols that represent each member of the Avengers, from t-shirts to hats.

Fact #3037

Disney animators study their reflection in a mirror to draw their characters right.

Fact #3038

According to Vin Diesel, he recorded Groots iconic line "I am Groot", over 1,000 times.

Fact #3039

Director James Gunn didn't want Chris Pratt to audition for Guardians of The Galaxy. He was later convinced by an assistat and Chriss only auditioned for 30 seconds before being given the role.

Fact #3040

To prepare for the role of Nebula, Karen Gillan shaved her head.

Fact #3041 (Disney Employee Story)

A guest tried to enter the Magic Kingdom park in Walt Disney World with her pet, but she was not allowed entry. While some service animals are allowed entry, the woman could not bring in her pet because it was a baby Bengal tiger. After a bit or arguing, the Central Florida Zoo was called to retrieve the baby Bengal tiger until the end of the woman's vacation. the woman became extremely irate and actually started claiming that Disney was making up the "no tigers allowed" rule on the spot.

Fact #3042 (Disney Guest Story)

This past February, my wife and I were down for a quick get away for Valentine's Day. We decided to attend the Pirates and Princesses party at the Magic Kingdom, so we went to Downtown Disney and picked up some appropriate garb for the evening. I wore a pirate bandana and an eye patch and she had a princess hat. It was getting close to time for the parade so we grabbed some drinks and a good place to view. While sitting there, the Dapper Dans showed up dressed as cowboys and performed for us and a few other folks while we waited. Due to wearing my eye patch and having my depth perception altered, I knocked my drink off of the bench and it went everywhere. After the performance the bass singer asked me what I was drinking and left for a few minutes. He returned with a full cup of Sprite. That is what I call customer service. I was a klutz and this guy still bought me another drink. Made my night.

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