Mate? heck no

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" What was that about? dogs , leeches and ripping out other's throats and fangs?... Isn't that a bit too dark and traumautizing? " I questioned.
" Are you okay... " Ashley straightened my shirt
" I'm fine....just..."
" shut up and let me check you up" she smiled. I couldn't help but relax and let her continue though the question was really itching me.
"I swear if they hurt you again.." Ashley sighed coldly it even suprised me. She couldn't snap their necks, could she? that was kinda impossible.
"I'm alright," I smiled at her. I wasn't that much hurt, just a little bruise at the corner of my lower lip. That was the only remaining evidence of any beating happening.

Ashley came and sat beside me. She leaned on my shoulder as we stared further away into the basketball court. I still couldn't get over the fact that she always had a certain calming effect on me. It felt like I knew her for a very long time yet it has only been less than a week. The most weird thing was that I didn't even feel like I was cheating on Claire, I didn't feel guilty at all. I felt guilty over the fact that I didn't feel guilty about me cheating on Claire.
"What are you thinking about?" Ashley asked breaking me out of my reverie
"You , Amelia, Miguel and Robert seem of the same age, are you biological siblings?" I couldn't just tell her about Claire yet.
"Me and Amelia are sisters, Miguel and Robert are our brothers but we all share different mum's and dads . We like to consider George as our dad, well he is kinda our dad in a way........" she explained.
I couldn't help but read her lips ,I didn't even get what she was explaining, that was way too messed up to be understood. She really has good lips, I was unwillingly fantasizing about kissing her. I didn't even realize my breathing rate was rising.

"Hey.." she snapped her fingers infront of my face  with an embarrassed smile " did you even get what I was saying?" she gazed into my eyes
" I'm so sorry " I chuckled nervously as I was drawn again by her brown eyes. I was so lost in them my mind went completely blank
"Your eyes are so blue.. oceanic.."
I suddenly shut her up by pressing my lips on hers, my heart now beat thrice as fast ,very loud that the only sound I heard was my beating heart. The moment our lips touched, I felt something course under my skin, pleasure. She tilted her head responding to my kiss delicately. The fact that her lips felt so soft and mint cool at the same time didn't escape my attention.

"Get yourselves a room, I'm getting horny staring at you kiss openly" a voice made us jump straight up. Robert was widely smiling I almost thought his head would cut in two halves.
"Ashley's mate," he chuckled.
What the heck? mate? ..that was so possessive and selfish and very animalistic.
"He's messing with us..." Ashley chuckled " aren't you Rob?"
Robert exchanged quick glances with Ashley then came over and playfully patted my back
"Yeah ..." he laughed " let's go watch the principal shame himself again infront of two schools"

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