Alternate vision dimension

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In a flash, I was alone in a dark horizon. Everything was in deep darkness that I felt it's density pressing upon me. I couldn't see anything, it was even darker than having to close your eyes.
"Hello" I shouted as I moved in a spontaneous direction.
"Anyone?. wait WHAT?" am I walking on my fours? Something's wrong with this dream. What the heck? I cursed. I've just teleported myself in an animal's dream. Like I felt fur on my body which sent chills down my spine. I licked my teeth and to my horror, my tongue was insanely dogly long. My teeth were sharp which reminded me of Claire's pet dog. Am I drooling? I chuckled humoured. The sound that came out even frightened me, it sounded like a dog choking on a bone. Did my ears just perk up?no one could move his ears. Shoot, now I'm wagging something behind me. I'm in a wrong dream, I finally decided. This is no way possible. But it kinda feels like me.

I walked on all my fours for a very long time. I didn't bump into anything , I didn't even hear a thing. It was like an endless void of creepy empty boring darkness,I just never reached any wall or anything. After a very long time of walking, I realized I wasn't even a bit tired. I knew I walked for a very long time,longer than anytime I've had in my life. It was kinda strange. I took circles,ran in diagonals sprinted in every direction I could think of but it's like I wasn't even covering something. Whatever this thing was, it had to be as large as a city.

After a very long while later, I sat down in dejection. I wasn't tired, I was dead bored of not seeing anything. I was bored of seeing nothing. Opening your eyes here just felt similar to sleeping. I tried to sleep, I managed to do that. I was suprised one could sleep in a dream at all. I shook myself up after some time, I spent a lot of time here I lost track of it. But I knew I had spent longer than even two days here,I kept consoling myself that it was only a dream. That I would wake up soon. I held on to that thought in what felt like forever until I could hold no more. I shouted, I tried to bite myself awake but I felt no pain at all. I was stuck here, the reality hit me. I sat back again and put my head between my front paws.

Suddenly, a light shone, yes light. I was exhilarated. It blinded my eyes which were so used to the darkness. The light seemed to have no source but it chased away the darkness. I managed to squint my eyes open, twelve ancient like chairs sorrounded me. I was excited that at least the view had changed. I took this moment to look at myself. A while ago I was suprised, but now, I was really really suprised. I was a golden wolf, a really large one, even larger than the one I saw by the forest.
"I'm a wolf okay... take me back whoever brought me here" I said to no one in particular
"I've seen enough darkness, chairs ...get me out" I shouted but got nothing as a response.
I resumed my resting position and stared at a bronze door infront of me. Miraculously, I was all the while in the room. What a joke, like I didn't just run miles every direction.

I was preparing to go back to slumber when the door opened. Very old men started to enter,by the count of them , they were twelve. They looked so old and frail but held some power aura about them. I lazily gazed at them as they took their seats, I was really anticipating on what would happen next. They showed confused expressions as they scanned me for a while. I began getting the chills.
"Seen enough?" I growled. I didn't care if they understood me or not, I just wanted to get out of here
"Can anyone tell me why I'm in a wolf's dream and stuck in it?" I asked getting up
" Or better yet.....GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" I growled so loudly I felt my muzzle vibrate.
"Cool down darling.." I abruptly turned to look behind me. Wasn't she the woman who held a golden cub in my previous dream? What is she doing here. She sat on a high throne behind the twelve ancient chairs. All the light seemed to originate from her.
" Let me introduce you to these men first....this is Alpha Maddox" she smiled pointing at a man sitting right infront of her.
" Why's he an alpha?" I asked boringly
"He's not ready" an hostile voice sounded
" He should" the one introduced as Maddox grinned.
" Ive heard enough, can you please take me out of this dream. Isn't it rude to trap me here" I turned to the woman.
"You are not in a dream...and you are not trapped in a wolf's dream. You are a werewolf"
I scoffed then stretched out my muscles, I look like a wolf in this dream which is basically not possible in reality. Werewolf? fat chance
" This is an alternate vision dimension. It's so much real" the woman said.
" Are you reading my mind?"I squinted my eyes
The woman sighed then smiled
",Try shifting back to human"
"You are joking right?" I chuckled
"How would you explain Rodriguez's strength? the white wolf you saw earlier. How a group of men attacking your school turn out to be wolves" alpha Maddox said
I looked at him confused
"You are not in a dream, just another dimension. Your body in reality is in a slumber but your consciousness is here. You won't feel a pain ,just try it" the woman added.

I took a deep breath and decided to test their theory. I willed myself into my human form . At first, nothing happened, but a second later, I began shifting systematically. My long snout shortened to a small nose, my claws shrunk to nails, the golden fur disappeared into my skin and my size drastically reduced. The whole ordeal was supposed to be painful but I felt nothing. First, I was suprised they were correct. I was a werewolf. Secondly, I realized I was standing naked infront of the beautiful woman. I quickly covered my center with my hands. I quickly turned back to the wolf form to avoid further embarrassment.
" You learnt fast" the woman smiled. Aside from the woman and alpha Maddox, all the other men seemed like I stole something from them. In a blink, the woman was standing before me. She put a finger between my eyes and darkness started invading my vision
"not again" I cursed before I felt something drag me back to reality.

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