Appointing my beta

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Monday night ,
" My first action as your alpha is to preside over beta ceremony" I said in the meeting.
The pack held a ceremony prior to the appointment. There were lots of drinking and eating. Everyone was in a cheerful mood.
"The contestants" I said as twenty men came forward. They were younger , below thirty but Wellington was the youngest at twenty. He was the biggest too, a good advantage in fights.

"I'll test your fighting skills , your team work and your strength in this tournament. First , pair into groups of two. Each pair will fight another pair until the first ten are eliminated" cheers resounded as the men paired and turned to face each other in a battle stance.
"Fight!" I shouted  . The men tangled as the pack members cheered . The first fight was heated as each man was still energized. Some of the groups had pathetic teamwork, one pair even disagreed and turned on each other. Another team with twins on one side was the first to eliminate their opponents. Wellington's team was the second in place. The first round ended in a burst of shouts as the eliminated men left the platform.

"The second round , I'll test your strength. It's an arm war. Choose an opponent, the first one to pin the other's arm on the ground qualifies for the last round. There are no rules"
Men turned to choose their opponents. No one wanted to face Wellington, he was clearly the strongest in the lot. One of the twins who remained partner less had to face him. It was actually bad luck for him, he was a promising candidate though. Wellington defeated him after a bit of a struggle. Five men were eliminated including one of the twins.

"The last round..." I started before loud shouts and whistles sounded. The five here were the last men remaining out of twenty.
"I'll test your fighting skills. It's every man for himself. The rule is simple, don't fall down no matter what. If you do so, you are out...."  I said. The men circled each other and waited for my order to fight.
" Fight"
We saw almost blurs as the men tried to pin each other down. These men were skilled and strong, they were all ambitious. None of them wanted to lose the chance to be my second in command. They fought with everything they had, everything they had learnt. After twenty minutes, things got heated up . We heard growls as they fought now faster. Two cheeky men decided to pair up, their was no rule against it so I let them. They hauled one of the men out of the fighting area making him fall down. Wellington was currently against the twin who remained. No one seemed to gain the upper hand until wellington decided to ditch the fight and plough through the two men who had teamed up. His move was so splendid that the pack members went in an uproar. The men didn't expect it, they were speared to the ground. Wellington managed to stay on his feet.

It was down to two men now. On one side was a smirking wellington, on the other was a fuming twin angry that wellington ditched him in a fight. Wellington was actually clever, he allowed two men to tag and eliminate one man and then when they least expected it, he eliminated both of them leaving two men.  The men tangled again fists and kicks flying all over. The fight went for so long that I was almost announcing a stalemate. Wellington suprised everyone in the last minute. He head on took a kick which made him plummet down. The twin was starting to smile when the unexpected happened, he was vigorously kicked on the side sending him down. It was hard to believe a huge man like Wellington had agility of a fish, he had managed to fall on one arm which he used as a support to double kick his opponent to the ground.

There we had it, Wellington the risk taker won.
" Ladies and gentlemen, the beta" I shouted. Some of the werewolves carried him around while cheering. He was made to drink lots of beer  to celebrate his win. It was a merry day.

The next day while I was at school, wellington organized the pack. The patrols started as normal, training of warriors by the twins, all pack duties continued under his watch.

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