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Your heart was racing fast and full of anxiety

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Your heart was racing fast and full of anxiety. The gate slowly opened and the command to move forward commenced the Expedition. Without hesitation the people in front of you speed off with their horses, while you waited for your turn. Reaching the gate, it was your turn to taste the new air. And off you went, with the horse galloping in a steady beat to the rhythm of a non existent drum. 

It felt almost like a race to see who would reach Liberty first. As soon as the new surroundings surrounded you, you sensed danger all around you. You saw nothing, but yet it felt as if it grew closer. Paying no mind you made your horse speed up, still following a rhythmic beat. Your eyes wandered around taking in the new scenery while at the same time scanning everything quickly to find anything that was unusual or rather moving. The formation to spread out was called out. Hange threw you a wink and was out of your sight. Jean gave you words of encouragement and  departed. Soon you were far away from your other comrades. A shiver ran down your spine. Your head started to fill of a hundred scenarios that result in your life being completely exterminated. Scenes of goriness and tears. You looked around you, but you couldn't see anyone at all. It was almost as if not a single soul was out there...no one to hear your prayers in case you were ever faced with danger.


A flare shot in the distance. Your eyes followed the smoke to see where it came from. It came from the very end of the right wing, mostly from a spotter. You were too far to even assist, but you assured yourself that they'd be alright. You all had amazing Captains and an amazing Commander that will lead you to victory. A few flares were shot nearby by your side, but you never saw a titan.

What seemed like forever, you had finally made it to the left entrance of the forest with no titan in your way. You were once again reunited with your group and turned to see that they had all made it back safely. Hange had checked up on everyone before she excused herself, leaving Moblit in charge. You felt as if a huge weight full of desperation for safety fell off of you. Before you can even ask if any of them had encounter a titan along the way, Jean beat you to the punch. Talking about how he had killed 2 along the way. Already he was bragging which earned him an eyeroll from you. The rest of the group shared their kills and even started a little scoreboard, leaving you in dead last which made you low-key upset.

Jean elbowed you, "For being a top cadet, I'm surprised you haven't earned a single kill"

"Shut it Kirstein, I just haven't ran into one"

"Yeah hopefully you don't,  you may be good but your clumsiness will lead you to a titan's mouth"

"Not Funny Horse Face"


"No..I think it suits you. Eren was definitely right"

Before Jean can continue the argument, Hange came rushing in and ordered everyone to follow her. Following her deep into the forest, You and the rest of the group were met with the Commander, his team, mike's team and giant crates. Mounting off your horses, Erwin assigned the teams to quickly assemble various weapons that consisted of cannons and lots of grappling hooks that were in the box and to set it up both from the land to the trees that hung right above. You didn't understand what this was exactly for, nor why it was being set up in one specific spot. Seeing the many grappling hooks suddenly grasped your attention fully. There was just enough to....capture a titan?! Was the plan to catch a titan? Maybe for Hange? RIGHT! THAT'S IT, MAYBE IT WAS TO MAKE UP FOR HER DECEASED TITAN BABIES. NO WONDER SHE WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT TODAY'S TRIP! A smile formed on your face imagining the scenario of a smiling Hange jumping up and down as she introduces herself to the titan. I PROMISE TO GIVE IT MY ALL AND CATCH THIS TITAN FOR HANGE. Determination now set on your mind, you worked even faster and harder to make sure everything goes smoothly for the capture of Hange's new baby. With everything in place, Hange came in and set everyone in a position, alerting you to fire on the Commanders go. 

As you waited by the trees you felt the ground shaking immensely. An earthquake? no of course not obviously it has to belong to Hange's new prize. Your heart started to beat once again, this time it was pumping fast and steady, full of adrenaline. This was gonna be the first time facing one of these. Your mind raced wondering wether you were gonna be greeted with an abnormal or perhaps a good old regular 5M, whatever it was you were ready. You felt your hand trembling with excitement as you felt it coming nearer to the trap. And there in the distance you saw it. Eren and Levi's squad without Levi was leading the titan into the trap. Your eyes were bulging out of your eyes as you saw it. The titan was definitely an abnormal, but you never expected the titan to be so...beautiful. Right as she set foot where Erwin wanted her, he yelled fire at the top of  his lungs and you snap back of the trance, swiftly firing the cannon. Soon she was blasted from every angle and hooks held her down. OH HANGE YOU HIT THE JACKPOT WITH THIS ONE! In one  quick second you saw Mike and Levi make an appearance as they swiftly tried to nape the neck of the female titan, but failed as she had harden her hands that protected her neck. The blades broke off earning wide eyes from everyone. WTF WAS THAT. Suddenly the female titan threw it's head back and let out a loud screech and with that a low rumbling started that progressively grew louder. Soon there were hundreds of titans running towards the female. You were instructed to handle them and thus commence your very first battle. Running through branches trying to save your gas and jumping on titans necks .You slashed your way trying to get rid of them as fast as you could. The splatter of blood drenched your whole body, but within seconds it evaporated as if nothing ever happened. You look forward to see the female titan gone. Was this just a mere distraction from something else? or did they know about this? were they keeping you in the dark about this ?  You looked down to the others and noticed not only the corpses of fallin cadets, but you found the Levi Squad to be completely M.I.A. You assumed they were assigned to take care of the female titan, after all they are the best group. 

Your hands started to get numb and tired after a while of slashing necks. There were just too many, it seemed almost like an endless sea of titans. No matter how much you killed, new ones pulled up from every angle. It started to become nerve racking as you felt your arms slowly giving up on you. You were so tired you even lost count of your kills, resulting in not being able to brag to Jean about your titan score later on. A flare was shot up into the sky by the Commander himself, alerting to abort the mission. Soon cadets jumped down to mount on their horses and make a run out of the forest. Limping as fast as you could to your horse, you speed off trying to avoid the huge feet and hands of greedy titans. Out of no where you felt a tall shadow tower over you, a huge foot was heading straight down. You pulled the horse to a sharp turn to avoid being squash which successfully worked but sent you flying off as the horse slid in the mud. You face planted and slid harshly down into the mud messing up your ODM gear completely. You were now covered with mud mixed with blood from the heavy scraping. You quickly picked yourself up, ignoring the burning sensation you now felt. You started limping trying to find your horse as fast as you could since it was now your only way out. You called for it with a swift whistle and saw it in view, galloping towards you. Suddenly darkness laid over the horse as a hand of a titan reached down to pick it up and devour it right above you. As it took a bite, it's blood sprouted out like a water fountain. Drenching you in blood, washing away the dirt that once laid over your skin and uniform. You desperately scanned the area for a free horse but found no luck. Panic was sinking in quickly, you felt like you were seriously gonna have a heart attack right then and there. Looking for anyone that may help you, you found yourself alone. Tears started to stream down your face as you faced it, you were stranded. 

But it was only your first expedition. You were a top cadet. Could this have been due to you not reaching your horse as fast as you could cause of your limp? was the limp the reason why your not making it out alive of this? was this technically Levi's fault? or yours for not listening to Sasha or Levi about staying behind? Maybe...it was just pure bad luck.

Y'all I was literally listening to ABBA's Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! As I wrote this on loop. You can't tell me the entrance of the beat doesn't sound like a horse galloping, it goes hard! And when it gets to the low point then jumps back up blows me away every time, absolutely amazing. Anyways it's attached if y'all wanna hear it.

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