He's just a friend..

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It was a typical Tuesday morning  everybody was at the training room, training with their team mates. Zane, Nya were sparing with each other. Jay, Cole were also sparing each other.

Lloyd was holding the punching bag while Kai was punching it. Since Jay confessed that he and Cole were dating, everybody was proud of them..except for Kai.

He was full of sadness and anger inside of his mind, Kai wanted to scream at that exact moment but he didn't. He smiles and congratulated them, deep inside Kais heart was broken into millions of pieces..he didn't even have the chance to confessed to Cole.

It all started from the performance when the team almost got the fangblade cup..when Cole did the triple tiger sashay for the crowd, everybody was surprised but cheered since nobody in the ninjago history could do it.

Kai runs to Cole, hugging and snuggling against his body. At that exact moment, Kai felt his heartbeat beat faster. After that moment, Kai was always fluttered around Cole, he would blush really red when Cole was very close to him. Kai knew he was in love with his friend, Cole brookstone.

Kai throws a big punch, full of anger. This causes Lloyd to get pushed back, "woah Kai! Take it easy..what's the matter? Your usually not like this." Kai looks over at Cole, who's laughing with Jay. He punches the bag harder, "it's just..you wouldn't understand.

Kai hands starts to get lit on fire as he throws the punch harder. "you wouldn't understand how much I'm dealing with Lloyd." He throws one last punch, making Lloyd to get thrown back onto the wall. Kai runs to Lloyd to pick him up, "I'm sorry Lloyd, I didn't mean to do that. I'll just go now." Lloyd trys to talk to Kai but he walks away forming tears in his eyes, Kai was just broken inside.

Everybody looks as Kai walks away from the training room, he decides to take a shower while he's upset. Kai takes off his shirt, revealing his tense 6 packs of abs. He washes his brunette hair in the cooling water. He steps out of the shower, looking at a blade. Kai sighs as he grabs the blade. He puts it on his wrist and cuts it.

As Kai cuts his wrist, he murbles "I'm useless. I'm not good enough. He doesn't like me. I'm just a stupid-" Kai hears a voice, "Kai are you in there? You've been there for a while.." Kai looks at his wrist, it's bleeding a lot..Kai puts on his red long sleeve shirt, Kai bites his lip in pain. He opens the door, revealing Cole who is very worried. "I'm fine Cole. Lost track of time with my thoughts that's all." Cole looks at Kai, "you sure? You can tell me any-"

Kai sighs, "Cole, stop worrying about me. Go ahead with your boyfriend I'll be-" Kai sees a drop of blood sliding down his arm. Cole looks at Kais arm, "Kai.." he pushes Cole out of the way and runs to his room.

Kai closes his door, he pulls his legs together to his chest crying out of control. Cole puts his head onto kais door, "Kai, let me help you! your my friend-"

Kai yells in a upset tone,  "That's the problem, tell me we weren't just friends on that day Cole! I don't want to be friends, I want to be-" Cole opens the door, hugging Kai very tightly. "Let it all out Kai, express your feelings."

Kai leans to Coles chest, uncovering his face and sobbing in pain

" I want to be your boyfriend Cole but it's too late. Your with jay, who you love more. I was going to confess to you but I was afraid you would reject me. I felt like shit, useless, pathetic. I don't deserve anybody Cole..I don't deserve you at all. I'm just a friend to you, you don't love me the way I love you. I like you more than a friend Cole..you probably don't love me the sam-"

Cole puts his hands onto kais face, he collides their lips together. Kai is in shocked for a few seconds, he kisses back wrapping his arms around Coles neck. Kai pulls away from the kiss, "but what about Jay?" Cole smiles, "your the one who I want Kai Smith ." He leans into another kiss from Kai.

Near the door:
Jay: Awee..theyre so cute together
Zane: indeed they are.
AWLWSKSSJSMSBA THEYRE SO CUTE I CANT!! Also jay isn't really mad at Kai for stealing his man bc since day one Jay knew about Kai huge crush on Cole.

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