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It was another mission for the ninjas but this was a little different..

The ninjas were faced with a challenge, they had to enter a competition to order to win the trophy of a timeblade.

Only this was a singing competition and nobody on the team knew how to sing.

So they thought...

Everybody was discussing a plan on how to enter the competition without singing, it was pretty obvious that they were horrible at singing..except for Kai who was looking down at his phone.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to enter the competition, he wasn't forced or fact he never showed anybody his talent of singing.

Not his friends, family or even his boyfriend..he was afraid and was too insecure.

But if the ninjas needed a chance to save ninjago, Kai had to sing.

He looked over to his friends who were still thinking of a plan, he had to take a risk.

He pulls out the flyer that he had taken just in case he changed his mind, he dials the number onto his phone.

"I'll be right back you guys!" Kai had said to his friends as he walks out of the monastery with the phone in his ear.

On the phone:

"Hello, welcome to the ninja's competition center how may I help you." The person on the phone had said.

Kai looks over to his friends one last time before responding.

"Uh yes, I would like to sign up for the competition." Kai had said, feeling very sweaty and nervous.

"Sure , what song will you be singing for the competition?"

"Shine a light" Kai had said, feeling as his hands start to get sweaty.

"Alright then! We'll see you in 5 days!" The intercom says as he hangs up.

Kai looks at his phone before heading back, if he wanted to win the trophy for ninjago..he had to go BIG.

Last time he had sung to the crowd, he almost broke his vocal not to mention he broke his leg while dancing.

Kai had to make sure that he wasn't going to break his vocal or his leg if he needed to go big for the competition which was in 5 days, Kai had told everybody that he was going to visit his father for 5 days.

Nya didn't insist to go with him figuring out that Kai probably wanted to spend time with his father playing more videogames.

Cole was pretty sad to see that his boyfriend had to leave him for 5 days but Kai insisted him that after his visit with his father they'll go on a date.

Kai had waves goodbye to his family, friends and boyfriend and left to go to his fathers house..little did they know Kai didn't visit his father at all.

Kai and Ray were pretty close together but kai wanted to practice his singing and dancing before going to the competition, he wanted to make sure that he didn't break his vocal or his leg.

Kai had headed to his secret hideout that he would always go to practice his singing and dancing in private.

He had setted up all of the stuff that he has packed up, he turns off his phone completely as he practices his singing and dancing for the competition.

He needed the performance to be perfect if he wanted to win the competition.

He had started to practice his vocals to make sure that his voice wasn't going to crack from last time, once he had gotten that secured he practice his choreography to the song.

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