Fake dating

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When Kai agreed to this little farce of Cole's creation, he hadn't really been thinking. All that had crossed his mind was the fact that he could call Cole his boyfriend, hold his hand, and allow his affection for his best friend to show without worrying about someone finding out about it. He had agreed all to readily, without even really thinking about it, and now it's come to bite him in the ass.

Cole and Vania had a relationship that has been off and on since the 9th grade. Everyone was unsurprised that every one of their break ups ended with them getting back together within a few days. So, it had been a surprise when Cole called Kai saying that he was seriously over Vania, this break up was real, and he needed Kai to fake date him to keep Vania from expecting them to get back together.

"Why can't you ask someone else?" Kai had asked, flustered.

"Because I can't trust anyone like I can you," Cole had replied, "Please, Kai? C'mon, it'll be a few weeks, tops! I'll give you my allowance for a week!"

Kai had sighed and pinched his nose and agreed. He was weak for Cole, and he always would.

Besides, he reasoned, when will I ever have a chance to date Cole again, even if it's fake?

It's fake, he had to repeat to himself. It'll be one hundred percent fake. It helped ease his racing heart just as much as it left a bitter taste on his tongue. Kai closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, steeling his nerves as he saw Cole approach from the crowd of students.

"Hey, Kai." Cole said, grinning.

"Hey, Cole." Kai replied, trying, and failing to match Cole's seemingly genuine smile. Cole's lips were painted black today, Kai noticed instantly, and his insides turned to mush. His hands shook slightly as he shoved a textbook into his locker.

"You busy after school?" Cole asked, "I was thinking we could try out that new game you got last week."

Games. Gaming was a safe topic. Kai could handle gaming. Anything to keep his mind from the fact Cole's eyes practically glittered and he was looking at Kai.

"Yeah, sure." Kai nodded, closing his locker door. It locked with a clang. "You do the math homework? Number seven killed me, dude."

Cole groaned as they started walking to their first class. "I did it this morning. I have no idea what I wrote."

Kai laughed, but his teasing reply caught in his throat when Cole threaded their fingers together. He felt his face warm and barely caught himself from gaping at his friend. Hand holding was expected of boyfriends. He knew this.

He knew they'd hold hands eventually, but butterflies flooded his stomach all the same. He could feel the callouses on Cole's palm, and his hands were cooler than Kai thought they'd be, even through the fishnet gloves that covered his palms. Sparks shot up Kai's fingers and ran up his arm at the contact.

Fuck, he was so gay.

Cole looked unbothered, smiling at him with just the barest hints of a blush on his cheekbones. Kai squeezed his hand and smiled. If he was going to play Cole's boyfriend, he might as well take advantage of it. It wouldn't last long, and after a staged break up, they'd be just friends again.

"We could grab a bite, before we go back to my house." He suggested.

"Sweet," Cole grinned.

His smile always made Kai weak in the knees. The way his eyes crinkled, and the dark eyeliner made the color of his irises seem brighter never failed to get Kai's heartrate up. Kai squeezed the hand in his once more, and then pulled Cole into class. He hoped his face wasn't as red as it felt.

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