Pride parade

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It was pride day for ninjago, everybody who was apart of the LGBTQ+ community had a parade going on in the city. Everybody should be happy about their pride and sexuality right?


The fire ninja was nervous about his sexuality and pride.

Kai smith was bisexual, he liked girls and boys.

Kai didn't tell anybody about him being bi, not to his parents or his friends. He was afraid of getting judged, if he had told his friends..Kai didn't know what their reaction would be.

Kai knew some of his friends hated gay people which made Kai feel bad about himself, it wasn't his fault that he was bisexual.

This all happened because of Cole, the guy he had a crush on. He had a crush on the earth ninja for a while..since the day he met him.

Kai would always get sweaty and stutter a lot when Cole was near him. He would also feel his heart beat faster not at normal rate. Kai didn't understand why he was sweating and stuttering a lot, as time went on he figured out that he was in love with Cole.

Kai started to freak out because he couldn't like a guy, he was straight for sure! As he continues to figure out whether he was gay or not, he soon comes to realization that he liked boys.

As he starts to think about if he's ready to come out to his friends, a knock comes onto his door.

"It's open!" Shouts Kai as he turns to see that Lloyd was the one who knocked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the parade in the city since the team is going as well and I don't want you to be alone in the monastery ..unless you want to be alone of course." Lloyd says, smiling.

"Sure, I'll come. Give me a few seconds." Kai says.

Lloyd gives Kai a nod as he leaves his fo, closing Kai's door shut.

Kai puts on his shirt that had the colors of his sexuality, blue purple and pink. He puts on a light jacket so nobody could see the colors of his shirt, he was going to tell them today but not now..

He puts on his shoes and heads to the living room to see his friends, smiling at him.

"Hey big bro!" Nya calls out.

"Hey sis! who are we waiting for?" says Kai who messes with Nya's hair as he sits next to her and Jay.

"Cole, he said he wanted to show us something." Nya says as she cuddles next to Lloyd.

After a few minutes, Cole comes out smiling.

Everybody notice how Cole had a streak of all of the colors in his hair.

"Well..what do you think?" Cole says, smiling.

"Wait..your gay?!" Lloyd says out-loud in a shocked tone of voice.

"Um..yea? I've always been gay aha-" Cole says awkwardly.

"That's amazing!" Zane says as he stands up to give Cole a hug.

"That's disgusting." Jay says which causes Kai to get mad.

"What's wrong with being gay Jay? Cole is happy with his sexuality." Nya says as he also gives a hug to Cole.

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