First time

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"Man, you were right, those burgers were awesome", Cole said after burping.

Sitting on Kai's bed at his dorm, legs spread and back against the wall, Cole was lazily playing with his guitar while Kai, sitting on his desk, continued to revise some files.


Thanksgiving's long weekend had just started and Cole had come to visit Kai at college for the whole three days. They had decided to take advantage that his roommate had gone back to his hometown to spend the day with his family, a thing neither Cole nor Kai had been in the mood to do.

They had gone out to dinner at a place near campus that Kai had told him repeatedly had the best burgers he had ever tasted. And he hadn't been wrong. Unfortunately, ice cream for dessert had been cut short by a text from Ray Smith asking Kai if he could revise some points from new evidence on a case he was working on.

Kai wasn't even in his first year and his dad already had him assisting in the firm.

"I mean, the experience will look good on my resume later" was what Kai always said, and he was damn proud about it because he was that much of a nerd.

Nudging at the side of his stomach and thinking he probably shouldn't have drank that third beer, Cole's eyes absentmindedly scanned the other side of the room in front of him.

Kai had told him about his roommate on various occasions, mostly to complain ("he puts his girlfriend on speaker when they fight, Cole!", "he left his wet towel on the chair, now it smells musty!" ) which sometimes would turn in them wondering what would be like if they were roommates, a conversation that never lasted long because it made them both blue.

Seeing the room in person was a different experience though, it turned the guy from just a topic of conversation to a real-life human being with whom Kai lived.

Cole wouldn't pretend otherwise, but didn't broadcast it either: the situation made him a little jealous (especially given that Kai hadn't even shared a room with his sister in Ninjago). Above all, they were still friends, and the idea of some other guy bunking with Kai would always bug him.

Cole hadn't paid much attention to the other's side of the room (or just the room in general) when he first arrived, too busy sticking his tongue down Kai's throat to focus on those trivial things.

But now that he was looking at it, bed made with nothing over it except the pillow and now Cole's bag and guitar case, the books on the shelves organized, no coats hanging on the rack... except for maybe one of the posters that seemed to be peeling off the wall a bit, the guy's side of the room was very neat.

"Hey-" Cole said, fingers absentmindedly playing with the chords, and eyes still on the guy's side, "I thought you said your roommate was messy", he looked at Kai but when the redhead didn't acknowledge him by looking over his shoulder at him, Cole continued, "But like- if that's messy to you... I think you may have a problem".

"He is messy", Kai pointed out, eyes still on his notebook, "I tidied up when he left".

Cole scoffed softly and tuned the guitar, "Isn't he gonna get mad that you touched his stuff?"

"I found the stupid bracelet his girlfriend made him that he thought he'd lost. She's kind of psycho about that stuff, he had been looking for it for like two weeks", he said while scribbling something on his notebook, "Already texted me thanks".

Cole nodded and kept trying to get the tune that he wanted.

For about ten minutes the only sound in the room was the slow and lazy tune of the guitar, and Kai's occasional typing on the laptop during the moments when Cole stopped playing.

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