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"Wakey wakey, sunshine, got your eggs an' bakey here for you," a singsong voice cooed into Cole's ear, pulling him up from a fleeting dream that wasn't nearly as interesting as the smell of freshly buttered toast and crispy bacon.

He grunted slightly, pawing at his ear to push Kai aside enough for him to roll over, the sheets snagging around his hips.

A lengthy yawn later and he finally opened his eyes, blinking a couple times to clear them before Kai leaned over into his line of vision with a lopsided smirk. Cole grinned sleepily, accepting the kiss Kai dropped down onto his lips.

"Mmh, damn that smells good," Cole moaned softly, his voice strained from a long night of sleep, groggy in the cutest way. Kai settled down on the edge of the small bed, tray in hand and- dressed in nothing but a frilly, ridiculously pink apron with a heart shaped top and poofy, lace-lined skirt.

Cole's jaw hit the ground, his eyes blown wide to drink in his boyfriend's choice of morning attire.

"Woah! Kai?" he gasped, the name a question enough. Kai giggled, hiding the laugh behind his hand as he scoot a little closer. The movement revealed that, yup, he really was wearing nothing but an apron.

"Mornin', champ," Kai repeated, arching his back a little bit in a striking pose for his lover, loving the way Cole brazenly ogled him. He shifted, pausing at a few picturesque tiltings of his head so that Cole could get a glimpse at all his best angles, smiling coyly as he modeled for his boyfriend.

"How's my rocky doing today?"

"Uhhhhh," Cole replied, his jaw still slack with a little bit of drool starting to pool up in the corner of his mouth. As much as he adored the way Kai looked in his cutesy little get up, the smell of food was still far too distracting. He looked away, giving Kai a chance to scoot a little bit closer.

"Hungry?" Kai purred, selecting a strip of bacon between two pinched fingers, dangling the succulent cut in front of Cole's face. Cole laughed breathily, the sounds nothing more than little grunts of eagerness as his eyes honed in on the meat in front of him.

On cue, his stomach rumbled for a bite, making him wince shyly and glance up to Kai's face, wondering if his boyfriend would mock him for his body's embarrassing honesty. Kai only grinned, holding the strip up over Cole's head.

"Say, 'Aaaaahhhn~!'" he instructed with a sneaky little grin, Cole obediently tipping his head back.

"Aaaaahhhh," he moaned as he opened up his mouth, Kai slowly lowering the bacon strip into Cole's mouth with a devious, playful grin.

He brushed the piece along Cole's tongue before letting go of it, Cole laughing a little bit as his hands reached up reflexively to prevent it from falling out of his mouth. He chewed, not even being decent enough to swallow before speaking again.

"Mmph, tha's fuggin' good!"

"Yeah, you like putting my meat in your mouth, baby?" Kai teased sweetly, holding up another strip from his platter. Cole nodded vigorously, which clearly meant he didn't quite get the innuendo, and that only made Kai snicker more as he finger-fed his cute boyfriend.

"Yeah, you eat that juicy meat right up, got plenty of it for you right here, mm, yeah, suck on it more..." he grinned, letting his voice drop low as Cole's blush bloomed up his face.

"D-dude! Kai! Oh my god," Cole whined out of embarrassment, and maybe he wasn't quite so innocent as even now with his red face he was grinning. Kai giggled, adjusting his apron straps so that the thick fabric bands carelessly slipped down his shoulders.

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