What should've happen in Safe Haven

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"Cole Cole!" No response from the earth elemental.

"Cole can you hear me?" Kai voice was very worried yet so afraid of the boy. The boy he loved a lot. He gets out of his vehicle and jumps onto the ground where in front of him was Cole's vehicle.

From the looks of it, Cole was unconscious. He got knocked out pretty fast after Kai's vehicle got not only slammed into his but they got slam pretty hard to a building.

Kai sighs as he removes the rocks off of Cole's vehicle and tries to open the top of the vehicle, trying to get Cole out but it doesn't work. The top was pretty hard to open.

"You six go that way! The rest of you that way. Search the streets!" Pythor says, telling his group on what direction to go too. The whole group was out to search for the ninjas especially Pythor..he was out for Kai.

"I know that voice." Kai hated the guy. Hated him more than anything else. Pythor backstabbed Lloyd when he was a kid and almost tried to killed him. Lloyd was a son to Kai. Loved the guy so much that he was going to do whatever it takes to protect him.

"Find the ninjas, the crystal king commands it!" Pythor continues to say. The crystal king wanted the ninjas elemental powers to say the least but the ninjas knew that..the crystal king would probably make them suffer to get control of their elemental powers. Not only that but the ninjas did not want the crystal king to take control of their elemental powers that they had for years.

"Come on come on wake up cole!" Kai lifts up the top of Cole's vehicle with all of his strength and muscle that he had, carefully but slowly it opens up.

"Rocky, not a good time for a beauty nap." Cole loved his naps but right now wasn't the time especially when ninjago was going through a battle. Most of the times when the ninjas didn't have to train, Cole would often go to Kai's room and often takes naps on top of Kai's laps.

Kai was his comfort after all and Kai didn't mind it. Kai enjoyed playing with his hair while scrolling on his phone a lot.

"What happened? Did we win?" Cole says as Kai unbuckles his seatbelt and takes off of Cole's mask, Kai takes his out of the vehicle but the both of them fall down onto the ground.

Cole was so cute when he was drowny and wasn't really stable but this also wasn't the time for Kai to be admiring Cole.

"Not exactly." Kai said, letting Cole just lay down onto his lap as he looks around at his surroundings. Pretty much everything was crystallized except for this one alleyway.

Kai puts Cole's left arm around his shoulder, walking to the alleyway very quietly not to get spotted.

This was definitely giving Kai some deja vu, knowing that Cold has held Kai's waist before back when he lost his power and most of the team was stuck in the never realm.

"Jackpot! FINALLY!" Pythor screamed out as he sees the two of the ninjas vehicles, hoping that they were still knocked out but when he got closer..nobody was in there. It was empty.

"Where are they?!" Pythor was mad. He wanted to find the ninjas very badly, he was beyond PISSED.

Cole nearly slips but Kai manages to catch him with his other hand, putting his hand onto his chest. He looks over to see Pythor and his group getting closer and closer.

"Ahh..they're close. I can taste them." Was all Pythor could say with the scent of both of the ninjas.

Cole and Kai were fucked. Kai knew that yet he thought of a idea. It wasn't his best but they had no choice. Kai brings Cole behind a trashcan.

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