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Kai hated school to say the least.

He hated being stuck in a classroom while the teacher gives everybody information that nobody isn't going to use in their future. It was very pointless to the guy, he knew he wasn't really going anywhere with his life. Nothing with business at least.

He already knew what he was going to do after highschool; he was already on the basketball team already. Not to mention he wasn't failing any of his classes or anything like that but he found all of his classes pretty boring.

Kai mostly skipped some of the classes that he didn't want to be in, He hated being in school and would rather go out with his friends.

But that wasn't until he came.

Cole was new to the school, he was recently transferred from a private school from his father. Kai didn't know what was so cool about the new kid; to him he looked like every student that he met.

Sure, he went to a private school and wore a suit walking in..so what? It wasn't a big deal but god so many girls fan girled over him.

But of course, the teacher put him right next to Kai. Just his luck of course! Kai didn't want the new guy to sit next to him, he would rather sit in the front than be next to him.

A few minutes passed by and he feels something hit him on the face, he looks at the new kid who was staring at the board while Kai looks down to see a paper that was directly to him.

"Do you have a name? Or can I just call you 'mine?' :) - C" was what the note said which made Kai smile a little.

"Is that the best one you can come up with?" Kai wrote back and threw back to the new kid secretly.

"No but at least I got you to smile you grumpy man."

"Hey. I am NOT grumpy! "

"You are.. it's very childish."

"Oh hoho says the guy who wrote me a pickup line!!"

"But you liked it didn't you? :)"

"...I'm not saying no.."

"So you agree :)"

"Ah..shut up!!"

"I don't think I'll ever shut up now I have your attention. Do you want to be companies?"

"I think you meant friends?"

"Ah yes. That. Would you like to be friends sir?

"You don't have to call me sir..call me Kai! And of course we can be friends!! :D" Kai looked over to see Cole smiling as he read the message..maybe the new kid wasn't bad as he thought he was.

Maybe he was going to get along with the new kid just fine.


I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater.

It was a cold winter day for ninjago city, Kai didn't bother to wear a sweatshirt; to him he thought he wasn't that cold.

His friends thought he was crazy when he was the only one not wearing a sweater shirt or at least a jacket; The brunette just shrugged it off though he didn't care much about other people opinions. It wasn't that cold for him! No matter how much times he told people, they still didn't believe him.

Him and Cole decided to walk back home after they finished school for the day; supposedly basketball practice was canceled at the last minute because Kai's coach got sick but between himself..Kai didn't mind walking with Cole.

"Aren't you cold?" Cole asked as he looks at Kai who was shaking with the cold.

"Nahh I'll survive pfft. T-This weather is nothing compared to me! " Kai hated shivering in the cold in front of his friend, it made him feel weak.

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