Morning kisses

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Bright sunlight came down through the window, shining straight onto the black haired males face.

He groaned, pulling the covers over his face in a desperate attempt to block it out- it didn't work.

"Cole? Are you okay?" The earth elemental opened his eyes again, under the covers now. He then looked over to the source of the voice, only to see his tan boyfriend staring at him with sleepy eyes.

In all honesty, he had forgotten he was even there. But to be fair he just woke up.

It was a well known fact that Cole was a complete mess in the mornings. White curtains blew in the wind, their balcony doors left wide open.

A fresh cool breeze filled the large bedroom, it was enough to wake Kai up 30 minutes ago.

But he didn't want to move. The fire elemental simply enjoyed being in Cole's presence.

"No," Cole had mumbled, burying his face into the pillow.

"Aw, is someone grumpyyyy?" Kai said, snickering. He was well aware that his boyfriend was not a morning person, but the fire elemental was determined to change that.

Eventually the tan male scooted over, now right next to Cole's  face.

"I am not!" Cole shouted, turning his head to see Kai right in front of him. His face went bright red. 

"I think you are," Kai said, keeping his honey brown eyes latched onto Cole's brown coffee-coloured depths.

That was one of the things he loved most about Cole, those eyes. Only Kai could know what was going on with the earth elemental, just by taking a glance at his beautiful eyes.

  "Pfft. Whatever," Cole said, turning away from his all too optimistic boyfriend. It was nine in the morning, way too early for him.

"Nope!" Kai yelped, throwing the covers off him and Cole. 

"KAI! WHAT THE HELL?" Cole had yelled out which made Kai snickered, The fire elemental had then threw himself on top of his boyfriend, straddling him as well.

Cole was so thrown off guard, but instinctively placed his his hands on Kai's hips, grabbing him so they wouldn't fall off the bed.

He looked up at his boyfriend, and felt his heart drop. Kai's hair was all messy, sticking up in every direction. His pink cheeks, beautiful hazel eyes, and gorgeous smile.

Kai was looking down with a playful expression, accomplished that he had put himself in such a position. The sweatshirt he was was Cole's. The earth elemental laughed, his voice was very deep and raspy.

"You little-"  Cole was abruptly cut off, Kai  smashing his lips onto his. The fire elemental loved morning kisses, especially when Cole was the one giving them; which was kind of rare.

So, he usually had to initiate it. Not that Kai gave his boyfriend much of an opportunity, though.

Cole kissed back, bringing his hands up to run through Kai's hair. The fire elemental smiled, pressing himself down on top of him.

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