The mission

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Ninjago was so beautiful in the afternoons, especially during the winter. It was sunny, but rather cold. There wasn't a cloud in sight, the light blue sky above. The grass and plants were covered in a frost which had been left over night, which would let out a satisfying crunch when you step on them.

Cole and Kai were sent on a different mission while the others were dealing with something else, They were supposed to find some sort of medicine inside of an abandoned hospital.

When Kai and Cole first arrived at the hospital, the halls were eerie silent. Their footsteps echoed in the empty hallways, amplified like the ghostly drip drops in a cave.

Barely any light lit the way, maybe a few amber wall lamps every twenty yards. Kai and Cole walked in silence for most of the way. He had his hands in a puffy, red winter jacket draped over his gi.

   "Where are the others again?" Cole had suddenly asked, breaking the tight silence.   Kai didn't look up, and kept his gaze to the tiled floor.

"Outside scouting the city."  Kai said as the room was silent for a while. 

"This place really gives me anxiety." Kai had said in a quiet voice, Cole looked over at him and patted his boyfriend's shoulder.

    "You're not wrong when you said it gave you anxiety." Cole had said as the both of them rounded the corner to a dead end, where a single door stood off to their right. It seemed isolated, which gave Cole the creeps.    

"Uhh, you can open it."  Cole had said to Kai, giving his boyfriend a smile.

"Why? Are you scared??" Kai says to Cole, teasing his boyfriend as he giggles.

"No uh..shut up!" Cole says as he punched Kai's arm very gently.

"Oww..okok!" Kai had said, rubbing his arm in circles as his gloved hand grazed over the metal knob, and Kai had twisted it.

The door opened with a creak, sending the dim light from the lamps into the dark room.  Cole felt around for any light switches, but nothing bumped his fingers.     

"Is there a light anywhere?" Kai asked, peeking from over Cole's shoulder.  

  "I don't think so...wait I got it!" Cole says as he flips the switch on.

The switch made a click sound and blinding white lights turned on one by one, leading deeper into the room. The lights flashed on human models with open body parts and bulging eyes.

     "So what are we looking for?" Cole bad asked as he trekked deeper into the room.  

    "Some medicine that's used for numbing?" Kai said as he dug out his phone and showed Cole a picture.

"I had no idea what Zane was talking about so I just took a picture of the empty box they needed more of."   Kai said which made Cole very skeptical.

Cole does remember as he looks up from Kai's phone every once and a while and seeing Zane draw that specific medicine more than he thought was necessary, but Cole guessed that Zane knows what he's talking about.      

"Ok. Let's find it. I'll take the right, you take left." Cole shrugged as the both of them split.

Cole rummaged through drawers and cabinets but couldn't find anything. Him and Kai didn't talk at all, they were all focused on the task at hand.

Suddenly his voice drew Cole away from the ringing silence.    

  "Found it!" Kai says as Cole looked over, seeing him victoriously holding a blue and white box which made Cole smiled.    

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