Drunk nights

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Kai stared at the ceiling of his dorm room. He glanced over to the other side of the room, and saw his boyfriend doing the exact same thing on his bed. Kai stared at the other man for awhile, watching him breathe.

They had only been dating a few months, finally accepting their feelings once they were out of Ninjago. Jay and Benthomaar were very much an exception in that town. Being gay...well anyway, back to the point.

Once they were free of the hetero pressure... their minds wandered to new places. Some experimental porn watching and tentative kisses later, and they were officially a thing. Enough backstory, back to the present.

"Rocky." Kai spoke up. "Cole, it's over. Please don't die."

Cole snorted. "I'm not dead. Sleeping. Haven't slept in days."

"No sleeping either. The dorm supervisor is allowing a party tonight. Like, booze, music, and all that jazz. I wanna get wasted and I'm not gonna be that sad dude drinking alone." Cole explained, sitting up on his bed. Kai groaned.

"Why do you hate me? Why can't I sleep?" he asked, sounding dramatic and whiny. Kai just rolled his eyes.

"I don't hate you, and you can't sleep because I asked you very nicely to come drink with me." The red haired man went to sit on his boyfriend's bed. He ran his hand teasingly down Cole's chest.

"What kind of super boyfriend would you be if you left me all alone tonight." Kai asked in a voice that was too sexy to be unintentional. Cole shivered at the touch and the tone.

"Dammit, fine. A quick nap, then when it gets later, we can go party. I promise. Now come here—" he pulled Kai down onto the bed with him, and curled up against him. His head rested on Kai's chest.

"Nap time." Cole mumbled into the other man's chest. Kai laughed, and wrapped his arms around Cole.

"Fine. Nap, then booze."

They had woken up basically as the sun had set, and after showering and getting dressed, they met up with the rest of their dorm downstairs. Music was already blasting, and alcohol was distributed all over the kitchen and commons area. Kai grinned at everyone enjoying themselves. Finals had been hard, and it seems the whole dorm had been dying to let loose.

Kai took Cole's hand and dragged him to the kitchen. He mixed together a drink for himself—Hypnotic and sprite.

Perfect and fruity. Cole just grabbed a beer, not wanting to get too drunk. He... knows how rambunctious Kai can get. While Cole sipped his beer, Kai practically chugged his cocktail so he could make another.

"Kai, chill the booze isn't going anywhere." Cole laughed a little, watching his boyfriend make a drink that was pretty much alcohol with a splash of soda. Kai stuck out his tongue at Cole.

"I know. I just want to get wrecked." He explained, grinning mischievously at Cole's weary expression.

It only took an hour for Kai to loose every inhibition he had. An hour and half a bottle of Hypnotic. Cole was trying his best to control his boyfriend, but god, it was hard.

Kai was dancing with a crowd of other people, swaying and grinding to the pounding music. Cole blushed at the way his boyfriend was dancing. It was... provocative. A part of him wished he had the balls—or alcohol level—to join.

Luckily, he didn't need to. Once Kai noticed him watching, the boy grinned and sauntered- yes, sauntered- over to Cole.

"Heeey, cutie. What's a place like you doing in a man like this?" he purred, slurring a bit. Cole couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how that pickup line goes." Cole tried to keep his voice steady, but Kai's hands were wandering all over his chest, then face. He gulped.

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