I miss you

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Kai couldn't sleep. he'd been trying for hours, but all he could do was toss and turn, hugging a pillow. He pretended the pillow is Cole, his boyfriend. they have been together for a few years now, since they were freshmen. They were both seniors at this point, and Cole wasn't around as much.

He always had football, or hung out with Lloyd, Morro,Zane, and Pixel. Cole was well, the gayest football player that Kai knew. Cole didn't really even seem like the football type. He wore eyeliner, always had a beanie on, painted his nails, and had ear piercings.

He had to take them out during practice and games, but he'd had them so long it didn't matter. Cole loved football, and Kai understood that, he just wished Cole would have more free time. Instead, Cole had football games most Fridays and practice at 8 am on Saturday, 11 am on Sunday, and 4 hours after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's.

He practiced all throughout the year, even when it wasn't football season. Kai however didn't do much. He played basketball in the season, but the basketball season was in winter. He was more shy than Cole, which caused Kai to not admit when he needed things, or needed Cole.

Kai buried his face in his pillow, as he squeezed his eyes shut, he tried to fall asleep. He has been trying for hours, and it was getting really late. He had debated on texting Cole, but hadn't yet because he didn't want to bother him. Kai got out of bed, and sat on his floor.

He picked up the phone, and drafted a text to Cole. It was just a long paragraph about how he missed him, how he wanted him there, and he couldn't sleep without him. But he didn't send it. he just backspaced it.

All he wanted at that exact moment was Cole. That was the only person who could make him feel better. He was sad and couldn't sleep, and he just wanted the one person who gave him comfort and a feeling of safety.
Cole was the one who was there for him through everything, and stuck with him in his darkest times.

Kai was so grateful for Cole and appreciated everything he did. He was in love with Cole, and was always anxious about Cole not feeling the same way. but obviously Cole felt the same way, though, they have been dating for 3 1/2 years.

Kai picked up his phone and opened Cole's messages, and he typed a paragraph. a paragraph about how Cole made his life better, and how he was so in love with him. a long paragraph about everything Kai loved about Cole.

Cole didn't answer, though. Kai thought he was probably just asleep until he heard a light knock on his bedroom door.

"Mom? yeah?" Kai yelled, as the door opened. but, it wasn't his mom, it was Cole.

"I got in with the key under the mat. i hope you don't mind. I just wanted to see you." Cole said, carefully closing the door behind him as to not wake Kai's parents or sister.

Kai stood up quickly, and ran up and hugged Cole. He always felt so much comfort being with him, just being able to hold him and have that safe feeling. He just hugged Cole for a few minutes, They just stood there with their arms around eachother, Kai leaning his head onto Cole's chest.

Kai started to fall asleep already in Cole's arms, so he let go and grabbed Cole's hand. he walked over to his bed, bringing Cole along with him.

"Lay down." Kai said tiredly, he felt more safe and it was making him more tired and able to just rest. Cole laid down on the bed, picking up the blanket for Kai to get under. Kai laid down next to Cole and immediately put his arm around him, cuddling up to him. Kai felt way better now that his boyfriend was there, he wished this moment would never end.

Kai woke up by his sister knocking on his door, asking to come in.

"One minute Nya!" Kai yelled, stalling because he didn't want to get caught with Cole in his bed. Ever since his parents found out they were gay and dating, they didn't want them in the same bed or having sleepovers with the door closed. Cole and Kai were trying to figure out how they could not get caught, and get Cole out without being seen.

"Nya, do you think you could keep a secret for me?" Kai said through the door before letting him in.

"Why?" Nya inquired, before Kai opened the door and let him in. Kai quickly closed the door behind Nya, not wanting anyone else to see Cole.

"Hey, Nya what's up?" Cole said nervously, hoping ike wouldn't tell on them.

"Ohh Cole is here, that's your secret. what did you guys do that it has to be a secret?" Nya said, suggesting they did something they're not supposed to.

"He's just not allowed to be over with the door closed. or in my bed. Don't tell mom and dad, okay? What did you need to come in for?"

"Can you help me with my math homework?"

"Yeah. Once Cole leaves, I promise I'll help. Now get out for now okay?" Kai said softly, not wanting to hurt Nya's feelings. Nya nodded and walked out, leaving them be.
once Nya left, The first thing Cole did was put his hands on Kai's back and kiss him. They missed eachother so much.

"Did I wake you up last night?" Kai asked, while he stared at the floor. He felt guilty about bothering Cole, just thankful that he was there.

"Yeah, but it's alright. It wasn't too far of a walk and J fell back asleep once we were together. I don't mind, i knew you needed me." Cole said, while he put his hand on Kai's face to make him look up at his face.

"I just couldn't sleep without you Cole, I was having a bad day." Kai admitted, feeling bad about annoying him still.

"I understand, Kai. I'm here for you. Always. Want me to go out the back door then knock on the front door so I can be here and not have to hide?"

"Yeah, please." Kai said before Cole snuck out of Kai's house, careful to not make a sound. Kai heard a knock on the door, and his mom opened it.

"Kai! Cole is here! come down!" She yelled up the stairs, as Kai ran down the stairs once he heard it. When Kai saw Cole, he ran up and hugged him straight away.

"Jeez, you saw me five minutes ago." Cole whispered in Kai's ear as he hugged him.

"I can't stay long, Mrs Smith, I just wanted to come see Kai for a few minutes. I have practice in an hour. I won't bother you all for too long." Cole said to Kai's mom.

"Oh it's okay, you stay as long as you can!" Cole grabbed Kai's hand and took him outside and they both sat down on the steps.

"Kai, I'm so in love with you."

"I am too, Cole. I'm sorry I'm so clingy and weird, I just like being with you."

"Kai, you're not clingy or weird," Cole reassured him. "I understand. I like being with you too, I just have other stuff going on. I have to go to practice now, but tomorrow we have school so we'll have class together. If you want, I'll come sleep here again. I love you Kai. I'll see you later sweetheart."
So tired and sick of a lot of people who comment a lot of stuff saying how the writing that are posted now are not mine. The writing that I post right now are mine. I deleted some of the writings that were apparently 'copied' in the few chapters. Hopefully it'll make people to stop commenting negative things.

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