bfs or bffs?

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(In this one shot, Zane is a blonde In this one just like he was during season 1-3 in NInjago!!)

"Kai come on; it's not like I'm asking you to jump off a bridge with me. It's just a little Jager." Cole insisted, pushing the bottle Kai's way. Kai rolled his large green eyes, having heard this argument from his best friend one too many times.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you 'no' before you believe that I mean it?" Kai told him, trying to keep his voice low out of habit.

"You don't have to whisper; my parents are at a couple's therapy retreat this weekend, remember?" Cole reminded him, raising one of his thick black eyebrows.

"Dude seriously, I'm not asking much. It's the night before high school starts and I want to remember this night. I wanna remember it with my super best friend." Cole said with a smirk, recalling one of their fondest on-going jokes from childhood.

"Cole, the answer is no." Kai declared with a little less force than the first time.

Cole placed his hand on Kai's knee and looked up at him, "Listen, I know you probably think that I'm just being your dumb, alcohol-obsessed friend, but it's not that. When I was younger, I used liquor to escape. I'd raid my dad's cabinet just to have something to get me through the day. I drank when I was mad, sad, and just... whenever I felt pathetic. But now? Now I don't want to drink for those reasons. I know that that was stupid and I regret it, but I wanna have my first drunk experience to be with you." The raven haired boy went on. Kai raised his eyebrow at him.

"Um, how will this be your first drunk experience? You literally just went through telling me that you used liquor to cope for years."

The dark haired boy nodded, "Yeah, but coping isn't the same thing as using it to enjoy myself; that's something I've never done yet. I wanna just have fun with you." Cole continued.

"Ok, maybe not my first 'official' drunk experience, but it'd be my first happy one. I just... want us to make some good memories with alcohol; something I can use to replace some of the shitty ones with." Cole explained, his eyes wide and pleading. Kai felt a wave of sympathy wash over him: how could he look into eyes like that and feel anything else?

"I know I'm going to regret this but...fine. Just this once."

Kai said with a sigh. Cole's eyes lit up as he wrapped his arms quickly and tightly around Kai, his brain in a state of awe.

"Wow, I never thought I'd ever hear you say that." He added as he released him. Kai shook his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, neither did I." Kai sighed, watching as Cole's eyes directed themselves towards the liquor cabinet.

"Fogged glass or clear?" He questioned with a broad smile. Kai rolled his eyes.

"Dude, do you really think I care?" Kai quipped. Cole laughed in response. The raven haired boy got up and examined the cabinet, opening up one of the glass doors after he made his decision and returned to sit crossed legged in front of his brown haired friend.

Cole placed a small clear glass in front of him and tipped the alcohol forward, the amber colored liquid flowing smoothly down. Once Cole had filled Kai's and his own up to the rim, he smirked and handed it to his best friend, his bright white teeth glowing almost as much as the light from the full moon that was illuminating the darkened room.

"I think this goes without saying, but none of this leaves this room. I swear if Morro and Zane knew I drank, all they'd do is try to get me to drink with them whenever they hung out with me." Kai explained, picking up the small glass and swirling the liquid around inside, an uncertain look etched upon his angular face.

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