Clingy Kai

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It was a sunny, beautiful afternoon in ninjago city. Nya,Lloyd, Jay, Zane and Maya were off to go underwater to figure out what was going on with Nya's elemental powers. Cole had been with Ray, playing prime empire.

Cole was having fun playing with Ray, he wanted to get along with Kai's father. It seems like Ray already liked Cole from the day they both met.

After a few rounds of them playing prime empire, Cole had to excused himself to supposedly go to the bathroom..

But really he was going to check up on Kai..his boyfriend.

Cole walks into the room that he had shared with Kai. He was curled up around Cole's pillow, hugging it tightly as he dreamt peacefully in his sleep.

Cole's hoodie was put on him as a way of possible comfort while the earth ninja was absent from their room. The hood was up and Kai looked so happy that Cole almost didn't want to go and lie on top of him.

"Awh," Cole says as he blushed, cautiously and quietly walking up to their shared bed and attempting to get a better look at what would be his stubborn and easily flustered boyfriend.

But now, he just looked so carefree. Kai smiled brightly and nuzzled his face into the side of the pillow. The item probably reminded him of Cole, no wonder why he's holding it like a real person.

Again, Cole's heart melted and he smiled warmly at the boys strange sleep talking and dreams.

He gently brushed Kai's hair out of his eyes and pulled his hood up a little to get a better view of the asleep ninja. It was adorable to say the least. Kai shuffled a little, Cole gently rubbed his back.

"Shh honey." Cole mumbled, trying not to wake his boyfriend up..he was too cute like this.

"Mmm, love you.." Kai muttered in his slumber, a little grin appearing right after and making again, Cole blushes very red and gently kisses Kai's forehead.

"Firefly, wake up." Cole said, gently shaking him awake.

"I'm back now." Cole says very gently and softly.

Kai shuffled and blinked his eyes open, a low groan escaping his lips after being woken up.

Kai definitely didn't sleep last night, and that's why he was grumpy this morning. He then looked down and realised he was tightly hugging the pillow.

He jolted away and blushed heavily, never thinking anyone would ever see him do that. But now Cole has, so yay for him.

"S-Sorry," Kai spluttered out, hiding his face with his hands, but still trying to make a sound.

"Hi, anyway." Cole says as he giggles.

"Hey," Kai replied, resting his head on the smallers' shoulder and gently stroking his fringe.

"You were really missing me; you were curled up to that pillow and murmuring little sweet talk when I came in." Cole says as Kai blushes extremely heavily.

"Y-Yeah, well I- uh-"Kai starts to stutter when Cole kisses him to shut his boyfriend up.

"Hey, it's fine." Cole says, reassuring the flustered mess of his boyfriend.

"But now I know you're feeling extremely clingy huh?" Cole questioned, smirking at Kai.

Kai hesitated before nodding, slowly climbing into his lap and hugging him.

Cole giggles as he lays down, letting Kai curl up on top of him. He did so, but also lifted up Cole's hoodie and hid in it, smiling up at the black haired who's heart melted again.

Kai somehow wrapped his legs around Cole's waist and his now clinging to him like a koala. Cole sighed and smiled.

"I'm not getting out of this position at I, Firecracker?" Cole started to question.

"Nope!" Kai says, giggling as he snuggles closer to Cole's shirt.

"Well what if I need to shower?"

"You already had one."



"Well what if I need the toilet?"

"Too bad. You'll have to wait until I fall asleep."

"Wow." Cole says very sarcastically.

"I'm joking. You'll at least be able to go if you beg." Kai says, giggling as Cole slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Woww.." Cole

"Fiiiine! I'll let you."

"Good." Cole smiled in victory.

He then leaned down and kisses him on the forehead.

"Plus, im way stronger than you, I can just lift you up." Cole says, giggling at his boyfriend which Kai growled at.

"Shut up." Kai says as he rolls his eyes. Cole laughed and held Kai very close.

"You're the best." Cole says, smiling at his boyfriend. Kai shook his head and poked Cole in the chest.

"No, you. Anyway, can I go back to sleep on you?" Kai says as Cole smiled and nodded, he wraps his arms around Kai's waist.

After a few minutes, Cole then fell asleep while cuddling with his boyfriend. God he was so lucky to have Kai as his boyfriend.

Meanwhile with Ray

After a few minutes, Ray was wondering what was taking Cole so long in the bathroom.

Ray paused the game as he went to check up on Cole, as he walks through the hallways.

"Cole-" Ray stops when he sees that Cole and his son were cuddling in their room together.

Ray looks at the both of them, smiling. Kai had truly found the love of his life.

"They really do look cute together.." Ray had said very quietly.

Ray slowly takes out his phone, taking a picture of Cole and Kai cuddling in their bed.

"Mmmm..maybe I can blackmail Kai with this after time he asks me to do something." Ray shrugs as he walks back to the living room to play prime empire by himself, smiling at the photo that he had taken.

Ray was happy that Cole was Kai's boyfriend, he couldn't think about anybody else who would've been Kai's soulmate.

This definitely would've happened in s15 if they showed us what happened back in ninjago

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