The day Cole proposed to Kai

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It was a cold winter day,  8:00 in the morning on a Friday, Everybody at the monastery were busy helping Cole plan his and Kai's anniversary. Cole wanted everything to be perfect, Cole idea was to purpose to Kai when he got there.

They have been dating for 5 years, He asked Kai's parent the other day if he could marry Kai, they immediately said yes. Ray and maya were very supportive of Kai when he told them that Cole was his boyfriend. They weren't homophobic or anything, they were happy that Kai had found his soulmate.

In order for Coles plan to go perfect, Cole had to spend the whole day with Kai making sure that he doesn't get suspicious about anything while the rest of the ninjas work on the anniversary plan.

Kai wakes up, smiling as he remembers that it's their anniversary today. He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, fixing his hair and putting on his red hoodie along with black jeans and his red sneakers.

He walks out and says, "good morning!!" only noticing that Cole was in the living room. Cole turns around and walks up to Kai, picking him up and swing Kai around.

Cole kisses Kai onto his forehead and says.

"Happy anniversary babe."

Cole attacks Kai with a bunch of kisses as they head over to the couch. Cole finishes attacking Kai with kisses, he puts Kai on the couch and reaches for the two plates that are at the table.

"Shall we?"

Kai smiles as he takes the plate from Coles hand, Cole wasn't a good chef at all but Kai tried the breakfast. Surprisingly the breakfast was very good, Kai looks at Cole.

"Did you make this?"

Cole smiles at Kai.

" it bad? Does it tasty disgusting? Is it burn-"

Kai bursts out a laugh.

"Cole, it's the best breakfast I've ever had silly. I was just shocked that it was made from you."

Kai kisses Cole on the cheek, smiling. Today was going to be a great day.

After breakfast, Cole decided to go ice skating with Kai. At first Kai didn't like the idea but Cole assured that he would be ok, they arrived at the ice skating place.

Kai was nervous, he was sure it would going to be embarrassing for him especially when Kai didn't know how to skate.

At first when Kai got onto the ice, he immediately fell. Cole helped him up and smiled.

"Babe, it's ok just follow me."

Kai holds onto Coles hand as they swift left and right together. Kai started to get the hang of it, Cole lets go of Kai's hand as he is still shifting left to right by himself. Kai finally learned how to ice skate, Kai looks back at Cole and smiles.

After they were done ice skating, they decided to go get coffee and walk around in the show holding hands. While Cole was getting their coffee, Kai decided it would be funny to throw a snowball at Cole when he walked out. Kai walks over to the snow pile and makes a ball, he waits for Cole.

As soon as Cole walks out who is holding the 2 coffee's, Kai throws the snowball at him giggling like crazy. 

Cole looks at Kai with a gasp.

"You little-"

He chases Kai while holding the 2 coffees in his hand, once Cole catches up to Kai..he takes a deep breathe, tired from running to Kai.

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