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(Au where Kai and Cole are a married couple + are living with each other; Seliel and Cole are siblings )

Kai rubbed at his red, sore eyes. Ahh, allergy season was here again. He went to the bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet in search of some eye drops, but the moment he opened it, an avalanche of various products fell out.

Five tubes of toothpaste, two packets of toothpicks, three rolls of floss, a miscellaneous tooth whitening product, and a mini bottle of mouthwash, just to add to the collection of large bottles of mouthwash held in the larger bathroom closet.

And that was just the bedroom bathroom. The main bathroom had an even more extensive collection of various dental products, most of which he was certain they did not need - at least not an entire collection of them, anyway. There was even more stuff being stored in a box stashed under their bed.

He cursed and muttered as he looked down at all of the tubes of toothpaste on the floor. They just didn't fit inside the tiny medicine cabinet. Although he was tempted to throw some away, he knew that Cole would freak out if he did that. Instead, he scooped everything up and threw it all into a bin inside the closet.

He finally found his eye drops shoved inside the back of the cabinet, hidden behind yet another mini bottle of mouthwash.

Later that evening, Kai joined Cole on the couch. Their romantic dinner consisted of cheap beer and a frozen supermarket pizza.

A new Crest toothpaste commercial came on the television and Cole got excited. "Oh, I haven't tried that one yet!"

Kai rolled his eyes. After the TV show they were watching ended, he decided that it was time for an intervention. He went to the bathroom and came back with the bin, crammed full of dental products.

With a sigh, he dropped the heavy container on the floor next to Cole. "Dude. This is getting out of hand. Do we really need this much crap for our teeth??"

Cole blinked, looking at the container and then at Kai. He knew that this talk was going to come eventually. It was becoming increasingly difficult to hide his dental product hoarding addiction, especially as he ran out of places to store his stash. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Umm..well, you know, it should last us awhile. I plan to use all of it eventually."

Kai looked through the bin, pulling out various things as he read the labels.

"Sensitive teeth paste. Whitening paste. Remineralizing paste. Remineralizing powder. Fluoride gel. Spongebob tooth paste. Okay, why do we have Spongebob toothpaste? This is for little kids."

Cole put his hands up in surrender.

"It was on sale, and it looked fun and colorful. I just wanted to try it, gosh Kai!"

He sounded just like his dad. Kai put the stuff back in the bin and sat down. He grabbed another product out of the bin and looked at the label.

"This one's entirely written in Japanese or something, I don't even know what it is."

Cole grabbed the product, looked at it and shrugged.

"Oh, uh, it was some stuff I found on Amazon. It has some new dental ingredient that's supposed to strengthen your teeth and gums," he beamed, showing off his pearly teeth.

Kai just chuckled. "But your teeth are already perfect."

"Yeah, because I use all this stuff!" he exclaimed. "Duh!"

Kai smacked him in the arm playfully. "Your teeth were already fine, even before you started amassing a dental supply warehouse in our bathroom."

"Well, collecting toothpaste is my new hobby. Just like you've begun collecting boxes of minute rice," Cole replied, blinking. They stared at each other blankly for a moment before bursting into laughter.

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